Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — Personal News. [ARTICLE]
Personal News.
A, Cockburt vs back from a visit on Hawaii. Mr- S Kcbey is a trip to the Coast. Frank Brown is report d as seriously II at bis h me. H O Isenberg arrived by the Kinau yesterday from Hilo. T E Wall returned from a business trip to Hilo yesterday. Willie Hall has r fumed to Honolulu after a pleasure trip on Hawaii Miss Jones, of Ctaigside. sp~nd :nc a few days at Ajpahou with Mi-' O. DonnelL P. Peck, a backer on Hawaii. i> in Honolulu on a c- mbined business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Or. Wight and daughter are in the city of Hilo. They will spend som- days visiting friends. Wade Warren Thayer was among the returning passengers in th- Ki nau from Hilo and way ports yesterday. Captain B-*rger and his famed band of musicians were passengers aboard the Kinan after a season of concerts at Hilo. W. F. lyehigh. selected by the Mutual Telephone Company as manager, has arrived in the city from the coast. Mr. Lehigh assumes his new duties immediately. T. C. Howell, the well known newspaperman and promoter, returned by the Kinau yesterday after a very sucessful business trip on Hawaii and Maui in the interests of the Pacific Union Oil Company, representing Col. J H. Fisher of this city. Lieut. Col. G. F. Girard. U. S. A surgeon, who is to assume the duties of Major Blair D Taylor, the surgeon who has been attached to Camp Me Kinley. arrived by the Alameda on Friday. Major Blair will soon leave for his new post at Fort Snelling. Minn.