Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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At Auction WILL E. FISHER, >1 • AUCTIONEER On TUESDAY. JAN. 14th. 19C2. at One O'clock p. m- on the Premises. That Valuable Lot southwest corner King and Kekaulike Streets, fronting » feet on King Street by 101 feet on Kekaulike Street Upset price. 120.000. Ten thousand dollars can remain on the property at 8 per cent. The purchaser will be guaranteed an opportunity to lease the property at once, if he wishes to do so. on a forty years lease at One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars per month ground rent, payment of rent to begin July Ist. 1902. The Lessee to pay all taxes and assessments and to erect forthwith on the premises a brick building to cost not less than Ten Thousand Dollars, The building to be kept insured for Ten Thousand Dollars at Lessees cost for the benefit of the Lessor. In the event cf loss insurance money to be used in rebuilding. WILL E. FISHER. AUCTIONEER. Vm.G.lrviD&Co —LIMITED—REFINED SUGARS Cube and Granulated. PARAFINE PALM CO. S Paints, Compounds and Bulldlnt Papers. PALM OILS, Lucol —Raw and Boiled. Linseed —Raw and Boiled. IVD URINE Water-proof Cold water Paint, In side and outside: in white and colors. FERTILIZERS A’ex. Cross ft Sons' hfgfa-grade Scotch fertilizers, adapted (or sugar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt ft Co.’s chemical Fertilizers and finely ground Bone meal. STEAM PILE COVERING, Reed's paten* elastic section* pipe Covering. FILTER, PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute, :CEMENT. LIME & BRICKS Agents For WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO.. San Francisco. Cal BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Philadelphia, Pa.. U. S. A NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., iManf. "National Cane Shredder” Newark, U. S- A OHLARDT ft CO.. San Fran?!?*:. Cal RISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. San Francisco, Cal. Furniture Work a Specialty. All Ordera Promptly Executed. SING LEE TAI CARPENTER CONTRACTOR PAINTER 548 King Street Honolulu. H. I. Siis M ing Lung Co. K. YAU TOUNG. Manager. Comer Alakea ft King Sts. =RUITS and FRESH OYSTERS by every boat. KONA COFFEE. KONA BUTTER. GUAVA JELLY. Sands Delivered Fret. cniiDifl m for m A CYLINDER PRESS, in good condition—just the Pr«*a (or a Weekly Paper. Will be sold at a Bargain. Apply at REPUBLICAN OFFICE. WH. H. BARTH STAR BLOCK 1290 Fort Street. Near Kakni Street P. O. BOX 50. METAL ROOFING GALVANIZED IRON SKYLIGHTS AND VENTILATORS. PIPE AND GUTTER WORK Jrtkiif tid liptiriig Pniptfy ittiidfid ti HONOLULU. H. T. r. J. ErSMLL I M WATWS RUSSELL I WIT SOI ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT-LAW. Magoon Building. Cor. Merchant and Alakea Street*. Phone Main S2B. John A. Massinger, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, etc. —Removed to the— Offices of Macfarlane ft Go.. KAAHUMANU STREET. R. Susumago PHOTOGRAPHER. Fine Cabinet Photos Oniy $3.50 per Dozer. Cor. of Maunakea and King Sts. THOMAS LINDSAY flannfacluring Jeweler And Watchmaker 530 FORT STREET J. W, A. Redhouse Watch and Chronometer Maker. Plain and complicated watch work a specialty. Campbell Block Merchant Street Opposite Republican Office. JUDD & CO. Ltd. REAL ESTATE AGENTS and < STOCK BROKERS. 307 Stangenwald Building —: —Phone 223 Malrv ALBERT KALLWEIT NICE . CIGAR . STAND Adjoining Hotel Stables. Tobaccos of All Kinds. Cool Drinks On Ice. HOTEL STREET, Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. ALBERT BERNDT FIRST CLASS TAILOR. CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER Cleaned and PressedHOTEL STREET. Adjoining Hotel Stables—Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. French V Laundry Or. of Dervtania Av»*. hd«! Punch Owl St. All Work Done by Hand Lace Curtains, Silk and Clove Cleaning a Specialty. AHA I > 110 \ CO metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd 108 KING STREET. O J. WALLER, ... Manager. \ Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERS and NAVY CONTRACTORS OR. W. R, BOGLE | CHIROPODIST. ; Room 18.—Arlington Building. \ CORNS AND INGROWING TOE NAILS EXTRACTED THE EAGLE SALOON GEO. J. CAVANAUGH. Propr. ' * “ SEES, " Always on tap. "j Cur. Punchbowl and Halekaulla Sts Groceries!' CANNED FRUI r S, CANNED MEATS. CANNED FISH. TEAS. , COFFEES. J SUGAR. FLOUR and J FRUITS. HUNK AVEIRO’S Beretania Street near Alakea.