Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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KALIHI As a Residential Suburb Is 'ittractin*: lots of attention since the Rapid Transit Co., built their e\tci >«. ,>n See the Gulick Tract Before buying building lots elsewhere* a beautiful locality healthy. e\* -v facility, electric cars, laid, et- , Easy terras of payment apply MRS. S. A. CULICK. F». O. BOX -4l O Oceanic Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. The steamer* of this line will arrive and leave tbI - port a» her. ;r Ur FROM 8AN FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. VENTURA ALAMEDA SIERRA .. ALAMEDA SONOMA . ALAMEDA VENTURA ALAMEDA SIERRA .. ALAMEDA ...Wed.. Jan. 21 ALAMEDA Wed Jan IS Sat. Feb. 1 SIERRA ,...lV« J*r. II .. .Wad m b 12 AL USED \ . Sat. Feb 22 SONOMA Tu- > Feb 11 ...Wed.. Mar. 5 ALAMEDA W-d N » ... .Sal.. Mar. 16 VENTURA Tue- Mt- « . ..Wtd.. Mar 2« ALAMEDA ...Sat, April 6 SIERRA 1 . .Wet. April IS ALAMEDA Wed. A) > .. .Sat.. April SS SONOMA ALA E EDA i VENTURA Tu« • May ( In connection with the sailing of the above -t.-.iv.-- th- i,: prepared to Issue to intending passengers COUPON THROUGH T ICKrT" by any railroad from San Francisco to all po:n»s in rh. Un 1 Hr ,■ ■ and from New York by any steamship Un. to all Ei \ p..rt FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO WM. G. IRWIN & CO. LIMITED GENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. 5. CO. Pacific Mail S. S Co. OctiGealal anil Oriental S. S. Ga. and lap) disen Kalaha Steamers of the above Companies will rail at Hor Oi and ••• FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. Agents. Canadian Australian Royal Mail Line. Steamers of »he above line ranting r. * • » • • CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY > 1 •* f NSW and calling at Victoria. 3 C.. and Hone . and Hr i • *-.* G »■* DUE AT HONOLULU From Vancouver and Victoria for From Sydney »nd S' Bnaban* ard Svdney Vector a ard Vancauvr* AORANCI . fAJf. IS MOANA » MOANA FEB li On or ab-vy* the date* *f-a»ed above. THROUGH TICKETS d * - m Hr. • ' <■ , . » and Europe For Freight and Pa.«arr, *r.d aT! general Sat *nr.v or, THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Limited. GENERAL AGENT.-, Imerican-HawaiianS.S.Co NEW YORK TO HONOLULU VTA ?ACinC COAST. tie swiiM ie» ma ruiur — S. H. OncoYiix, 6000 tons, to -a.l ab*. S. S. C a li fobs i.%5, 6000 tor.- • - * ■ 20. 1902. s. S, Americas, 6000 *ona, to t i l a o r \ From .Tan Francisco for Honolulu " - ;; >i 3000 tons, sail January 4th, I -Hr*. Fr*igh* -w- -*d a* Cr,m*«c;0i viar* Fort ’ *e'r,-. • S BroaktyB. ar ait rrmew. For Trrcamr kyjtj so H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. c. r WORSE. AGENTS HONOLULU •= Goo CMIMESe SILKS EVERY mm's DESIGN AMO SHADE. CLOAKS. PIANO COVE**, CREPES, CHINESE CURIOS, a*. u rTtc. etc. ssssssgggsasiRrifry;^ i 1