Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — TO DEPART [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


From Honolulu for San Francisco or Victoria. Alameda January 15 China January 20 Sierra January 21 Doric January 21 Alameda February 5 Nippon Maru February % Sonoma February 11 Peru February 15 Coptic February 23 Alameda February 26 America Mar: March 4 Ventura March 4 Peking March 12 Alameda March 19 Gaelic Mar'h 22 Sierra * March 25 Hongkong Maru March 29 China April * Aiam-da April 'j An Attac* of Pneumonia Wa-u»d Of* “Some time ago my daughter c» jght a co!J. She compla.ned of pain? in her chest and had a had cough 1 gave her Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy according to direction-* and in two lays she aas weii an ,j a- ie to go to school, I have this remedy in my family for the past seven year?, and hare never known it to fa. ’ say* James Prenderga**, mer nan - Aaaw to Bay. Jama. a. West lad.a Island?. The pains rn the 'host indicated an approaching attack of pneumonia, which :n this instance was undoubtedly ward-d ff by Chamberiaia i Remedy Ft counteracts any tendency of a -old Toward par rnnnnin Sold by ail dealers and druggists. Besson, Smith A Co., agents for Hawa...