Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — HISTORICAL FOLKS MEET [ARTICLE]
INTERESTING PAPER BYEMMERSON DISCUSSION ON SUPERSTITIONS OF THE HAWAIIANS INDULGED IN. Officers of the Previous Year are Elected to Serve for the Ensuing Term—Reports Read —Value of Historical Work—Presentation cf Records of the Sharpshooters. The annual meeting of the Hawaiian Historical So< iety took place lasi night at 7:30 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A hall. The meeting was called to ordt r by I>r. Emerson who occnpied the chair. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read by the secretary. Chief Justice W. F Frear. and then followed the reading of the financial report and the librarian's report, both by Miss Burbank. The corresponding secretary. Prof. W. DAlexander, read his report. It was moved, seconded and carried that all these reports be published. Elections of Officers. The election of officers followed next. It was moved, seconded and carried that the officers of the pre- \ ious year be re-elected. There was an amendment to the motion, how- • ver. that the fourth and fifth vicepresidents be stricken from the list as the constitution of the Society only provided for three vice-presidents. The following will be the officers for the ensuing year: Dr. N. B Emerson. president; S. B. Dole, first vicepresident; J. S. Emerson, second vice-president; W. F. Allen, third vice-president; Chief Justice W. F. Frear. recording secretary: Prof. W. D. Alexander, corresponding secretary. ’ and Miss Burbank, treasurer and librarian. History and Superstition. After the business had been transacted Dr. Emerson delivered an address on the value of historical work F. S. Dodge, after a short speech, made a forma! presentation of the records of th Sharpshooters of which he was the first captain to the society. V paper on Hawaiian Superstitions, by Joseph S. Emerson, was then read and a discussion took place in which Professor Alexander! Dr. Rodgers. Rev. O. P Emerson. J S. Emerson and others took part. Present at the meeting were the following members: J. S. Emerson. Mrs Emerson. Chas. Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs Thos. G. Thrum. Prof. \V. D. Alexander. Dr. \ B. Emerson. Miss Burbank. Miss Henry. Chief Justice W F Frear. Hon. C. H. Dickey. F. S Dodge. Mr Low. Geo. P. Castle. Dr. C. T. Rodgers. W. E Wall D. Logan and others