Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — SUGAR DIRECT [ARTICLE]

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F -st S' w be S«'t by the Edwans May. The first shipment of sugar direct from the Makawei; plantation will be made on February Ist by the ship Ed-, waru May which s now loading there Buoys have been Ud a: Mak aweh by Captain Goodman and event- " Tag - - inning >at -r i’> tor the first shinmen - The Eu- eka. which s at Honolulu new w, go to Kah ilo: next to dim' kn- ye some ime. but will return <itre« - t #o 5- at- * The fir'- Vat to begin the new direct -err- , e between Anahoia and the* Coast wi-l probably be ;3e Globe steamer Tampico, which is .: ;e to arrrn? here about the end of the month. Makee plahtat on uas not started grinding yet. bur will begin a a few ray - aau have a cargo ready when the Tamuico arr-.vee, A.l the contracts for hanoiiag the Aaahoia sugar business have been made direct between the plantation people and the lead -Sices at Beattie