Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — KINAU ARRIVES FROM ALL HAWAII PORTS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


TERRITORIAL BAND RETURNS Wilder Steamer Meet* with Fine Weather and Passenger* Enjoy a Jolly Good Time—Many Passenger* and Fair Sized Cargo. With part of the Hawaiian band riayinjt "Heme. Sweet Home." and the rest of the boys singing the words of that popular sous the Kinaa docked at the Wilder wharf at 2 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The steamer hal a fine passage over Purser Beckley reports good weather a” 'he way heme and says ; that a good time was enjoyed by all aboard, thanks to Captain Berger ana tus band boys The Kina.; bro luht the fo’’o» ag cargo Twentv crates of egetables. "1 hogs. T 3 sacks of potatoes 21 sacks of coffee. U bd.s hides an 1 IT*> packages of sundries. TV K na i brought many passe tigers for Hoooiuta