Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — SHIPPING LIVELY AT ALL PORTS ON MAUI ALL PORTS ON MAUI [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


BARK ANTIOPE is discharging Futher and Son. Masters of the Anticpe, May Meet at Kahului —Bark Ed vs ard May at Kihei—Stanley Discharging Cargo. _____ I fjs"> v I.U D'KW'WMA'n 1 "«VAILI’KA. Jan 10 The hark AnCaptain Murray is disvharjcinn »val at Kahulu: at a rather fast rate. She is the best ship to handle coal •hat eve; came to Kahului She will j : c {■■’’» dis barged so rue time next tit s when she will proceed to Oyster 'I; rbor for another car (to of coal. It she makes voyages as fast as her eceat trips she will probably arrive at Kah,. i ;k t me t. see the Kinross; at Kahului V few weeks a (to the t\ are-" in charge of Captain C.eorae VV Murray abo is the father of Csorjte K Murray master of the Vn'tope left Kuiei for Oyster Harbor, j where she will load coal for Maui, and ; may • <t be possible that the Ant;-' ar’ \e> here with the Kinross. y\t;>ma Murray of the Antitype will ■o .1 ’a his power to enable him to: ruoit • - father in Kahului on his •v Sr 'be the caw.! > Vdtiers- would have made three ,vs a- v<a:i','t two made by the Kinross. J J* - Vx'u- Stanley Captain S'"?!’;: -st discharging her car* > * iv v \>l eVr She W.l go to Hat I foe Kah on where she w I di'-.-h 1 e.trt of her redwood canto She % irobaMy take on a toad of - car at Haaa for Saa Francisco. • - - w probably sail for Haca about the begistuaig of next week ’ V ar» \\ R Flint. Captain Joac ' a. hhs J s* barged a hi* part of her v - ra-ti She w >a from Kahului to M aka well. KuX- w heisp she will unload the baiaao? of her a «o and take o« a 'oad of - .*ar from the different plantations on Kauai The ba-keatiae Quickstep. Capia.n Met n s taxing oa a nsrgo of strap ••a bx the Soun ; The iron s» benit shipped by Robert Wiaklem-in ta the MKvnm of a Tacoma firm. The Kah-.in people hope to have tie du-vtvrp 'ji. some t me next week. The bark Sdwark May Captain Hansen > I'.-J*rsnssia* sivw iy in kiss- < -barging her catv> of coal ar K he> She w co Kah tin: from Kihes aac there U n a oad of sugar for Saa Ftwcsaca The barkentuae V-eetler is expected at Nahaltti with a carp: of coni *vm \ w.-asi e Australia. She wtU arriw* w-thm a few weeks. The steamer Sureka ami tie steamer Hyadew ar* expected at Knbasat thuf month. They will come via Ho notion After in toad in* thesr ar , •haadtoe Mr Kahnlm tiny will tak oa fad mrsow of sugar It is star--4

that this is the beginning of the steamship service which will be inaugurated between San Francisco and Kahului. and which will take the place of sailing vessels.