Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — INKERS BEAT THE ARTILLERY IN POLO GAME [ARTICLE]

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According to Agreement the Soldiers are Given a Handicap. EIIRJ PERIOD IS TE3Y EXCITING Both Teams Score Goals at the Beginning of the Contest. Player* of the Artillery a-* Out classed—Score 6 to S—Society Turns Out as Usual to Witness the Popular Sport at Kapiolan Park—First Five-Period Game. A wry interesting polo game took place at Kapioiani Park ycstcr day afternoon between the Ink- rs and the Artillery team The following players compose I th--teams; Inkers—Potter. Angus. W Pilling ham and Jack Atkinson. Artillery—Lieut. Hancock. Robert Shing!*- Norton and Pole. Owing to the rating of the pfa>eras agreed to liefore the series begun, the Inkers gave the Artillery a band: cap of one goal. The fallowing were the goals as they were made In the five periods: Goals Scored by Both Teams. During the first period George An gus scored two goals for the lake.and Major Potter one for the s»mteam, while for the Artillery one goal was made by Norton. In the second period one goal »a made for the Artillery team by Sh gle In the third period two goals were added to the Inkers' score, one b>iug made by Dillingham and one by Angus The Artillery scored one goal, which was made by Lieutenant Hancock In the fourth period the Artillery s* tred one goal, which was made by Dole This made ten goals by the Inkers five and by the Artillery four, which with the «h- goal given the Artillery as a handicap, made *he score stand five all. This Is the flr-t time this has occurred during the history of polo here, and yesterday’s game is as a consequence of note as being the first five-period game ever played here, as the League rules provide that in case of a tie another period, or periods, be played until a goal is made by either side Extra Inning Excitement. The fifth inning was naturally a very exciting one, as each team did its utmost to win the goal which would decide a final victory. The Inkers got the ball down to their opponents’ goal three times fine playing being done especially by Angus, who made a goal for the Inkers, alter the period had lasted for a few minutes. thus giving the Inkers the victory. with a score of six goals to the Artillery's five. Artillery Outclassed The game throughout all the periods was a fast and exciting one. although the Artillery - t‘-am was plainly outclassed by the Inkers, the ball being down on the Artillery's territory the greater part of the game. It was also very often in close proximity to their goal and often passed right by the posts but scoring was made difficult by the narrowness of the goal, as the posts have been put four feet closer than Is provided by the league rules This was done when the field was 'hanged some lime ago. the new field being shorter than the regulation field and the goals being made narrower to prevent excessive scoring