Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — FREE FIGHT LAST NIGHT [ARTICLE]

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PACIFIC MAIL DOCK THE SCENE * NATIVE STEVEDORES MAKING THINGS LIVELY ON THE WATERFRONT, Quarrel Over Result of Crap Game Results m an Encounter—Mehelu Touches Mother Earth and is Badly Bruised—Sailor* from the U- S. S. Iroquois End Trouble. Shortly after the Ameru a Mum left the Pacific Mail dock last evening a free for all fight took place among the native stevedores, and things were lively along the waterfront for awhile. The row started over the result of a trap game which had been played during the afternon. The looser and his friends were not satisfied at the way things had been running, but the presence of several police ofiii ers and custom house inspectors prevented a collision from taking place earlier. As soon as the steamer left the dock, however, and the dock had been deserted by the officers and inspectors. James Makuhala approached a stevedore named Mehelu and asked him to return the money he bad won from him a little while before. Mehelu refused, and Makuhala landed a body blow on his opponent, which sent him to th ground. Some friends of Mehelu interfered and the fight then became general. Stones and pieces of wood were used nr projectiles and but for the arrival of several sailors from the IT. S. S. Iro quois. a serious affray might iiave o< curred. The captain of the barkentine KM kitat appeared on the scene soon after the arrival of the sailors from th" Iroquois, and induced the stevedo r »-s to go home before the arrival of the police. They did so. Mehelu, however, went notne badly bruised, and it will take several days before his eyes recover their normal appearance.