Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — PEARL HARBOR JURY IS STILL OUT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The jury in the case of the Govern meat against the Honolulu Plantation Company, the suit to condemn the f company's leasehold interest la certain lands at Pearl Harbor desired by the United States for naval pur- , pose*, after being charged by Judge Estee yesterday morning, remained out all the rest of the day. being tak j er to the Hawaiian Hotel for dinner

at 6 o’clock At S o clock in the evening the jury j returned to the I'aft d States restrict ! Coart. where Judge Enter* inquired ms to whether a verdict had been arrived at. On receiving a negative an i swer the judge instructed the jury that the court would not convene j again, unless a rerdict was reached before midnight, until 9 o’clock on

Monday morning. If a verdict was 1 reached before that time it was to be sealed and handed to the United I States Marshal and the jury was to report when court opened on Monday The jury in charge of Marshal Hendry, spent the night at the Hawaiian Hotel. Xo verdict had b?ec I reached when the jury turned in tor t the night. ]