Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 Ianuali 1902 — HACKFELDS WIN A GAME OF AŚOIATION [ARTICLE]

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Final Score Stands Two to One Favoring Business Men Players. FAST PIAV BY BOTH TEAMS Good Individual Work is Done by Hidi Kickers on Both Sidts. Morse. Catton. Dusenberg, Blackman, Usborne and Other Players Distinguish Themselves —Although No Goals are Made the Wanderers Have the Best of the Second. An Association football game took place oil the Makiki grounds yester-; day afternoon, at 4:30 o’clock, between the Hackfeld-Davies team and the Wanderers. The teams were composed as follows; Wanderers —Goal. Notley: fullbacks. Usborne and Cockburn: half backs. Osborne. Stokes and Aylett; | forwards. Blackman. Catton. Simpson and Waterhouse. Hackfeld-Davies —Goal. Dusenberg; fullbacks. Bcardmore and Brett: half backs, Churben. Sinclair and Stopp; forwards. Calherall. Guild. Morse and Berger, the team playing one forward short throughout the game. W. D. Anderson acted as referee. Hackfelds Score Two Goals. The Hackfeld team won the toss and decided to defend the mauku goal. During the beginning of the period the ball vacillated between the goals. Morse kicked for the Wanderers’ goal but missed, wneceafter the ball passed down to the Hackfeld goal. Cation kicking right for the goal, which was saved *by Isenberg. The ball then went back to the Wanderers’ goal, when Morse scored the first goal for the Hackfeld team. Catton made a fine shot for the Hackfeld goal, but missed it. the ball hitting the bar. A sharp scrimage followed and excitement ran high, but the ball was soon taken down towards the Wanderers’ goal. The goal keeper missed the ball and Morse shot for goal but missed. Again the ball went up to the Hackfeld goal, •vhere a sharp scrimmage took place. It was carried down again, however, and secured by the invincible Morse, who caried it down the field, scoring the second goal for the Hackfelds. Wanderers Score a Point. - Catton, who was playing a fast and furious game, male a shot for the Hack Vld goal, hut the situation was saved by Goalkeeper Dusenberg. Cat t a again got the ball, and shot for goal. His kick was too soft, however, and no goal was made. ellackman made a good kick for the Hackfeld goal. The ball hit the crossbar, and barely toppled over. After this the ball was again carried down towards the Wanderers’ goal by Morse, who finally went back to the Hackfeld goal, but was again saved by Dusenberg. who defended his goal well The ball was then caried to the Hackfeld goal again, the Wanderers finally making a goal. Catton carried the ball down towards the Hackfeld goat but. by kicking it too hard, made a by. A few seconds afterwards time was called, leaving the score for the first half time; Hackfeld-Davies. 2 goals; and Wanderers 1. No Score in Second Half. During the second half no goals were made, but as both teams were eager to score the game was rather a

: fast on**. The Wanderers especially i were eager to score and put up a good I game. Morse carried the ball down towards the Wanderers' goal by splen 1 did playing. He was stopped, however. and the ball passed back on the ; middie of the field T Usborne. by ; an accidental foal, gave tii J Hackfelds a free kick, and shortly afterwards a j foul on Brett gave the Wanderers a ; free kick A shot was made for g:al but it was missed. A foul throw gave the Hackfelds another free kick. Catton got the ball. He kicked It too j far. however, and it passed by the goal. Plenty of Scrimmages. There were a lot of scrimmages in front of the Wanderers’ goal but no • goal resulted. Catton carried the ball towards the Hackfeld goal where Williamson got it and made a shot ■ for goal but missed. B-yer made a good shot for the Wanderers' goal but missed. The ball was carried down towards the Hackfeld goal but was stopped by Beardmore. A foul gave the Wanderers a free kick and the bail was placed in front of the i Hackfeld goal when it was again sav•d by Du sen berg. Another foul again gave the Wanderers a free kick and the ball was well p'aced by Usborne but no goal was made. The half finished without scoring on either side, although the Wanderers put up a good game and plainly had the best of It during this half. The final score was thus the same as that of the first half. Hackfeld-Davles. 2. and Wanderers. 1. G;od Individual Playing. There was some excellent individual playing on both sides. Morse as forward on the Hackfeld team put up an excellent game, bringing the ball down near the opponent's goal time and time again. A good game was put up by Usborne of the Wanderers who stopped Morse several times, although he received seme hard knocks by doing so. Catton was the star actor on the Wanderers' sid°. He carried the ball down the field a number of times. H & did not control the ball well, how ever, and missed the goal a number of times. Williamson ami Waterhouse. outside forwards of the Wanderers. both showed great speed while Blackman did splendid work, especially in the last half. Dusenberg the Hackfeld goal keeper, sav ed his goal well a number of times while a good game was played byseveral other tn rabers of the same team.