Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — ORPHEUM'S BIG BILL. [ARTICLE]

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Hogan’s Funny Folks Making a Decided Hit in Country Coon. Hogan s Funny Folks are playing their farewell engagements this week. To-night will be th last appearance of the talented vaudeville artists, who are scheduled to leave for the Coast at an early date, and to make way for Lee’s entertainers arriving by the Alameda yesterday. The Orpheum was well filled last night. The Country Coon proved even a greater hit than on the evening previous. Hogan, the inimitable, caused the people to hold their sides whenever he made a public appear ance. The specialties were good and brought out generous applause^ The musical features were taking, and the perpetrator of more than one typical song found it a most difficult matter to appease to popular clamor. Hogan rendered a comic song, in which he facetiously referred to several prominent local characters. Trusty and McClain secured their full share o * praise. The bill, with additional specialties, will be repeated this evening.

Surf Causes a Washout. • The heavy surf caused by the strong trade wirds caused a washout of the railroad track near Waialua The regular morning train was. therefore, unable to pass and a train was sent to Pearl City to bring the passengers from that place to'town. A repairing crew was dispatched to the scene of the trouble and the damaged place quicklv pm in order. - -Tf

Police Arrests. Included in yesterday’s arrests made by the police department were the following; Kekapa. gambling: Kwong Tai. heedless driving: Mrs. Kataehonawoie. investigation insanity. Antonio Souza Cam bra, assault and batter?-: Jose Cosellio. larceny.

-- t T ■ Rehearsal at St. Andrews. The choir of St Andrew s Cathedra! rehearsed some special music, jester day evening, > -v „ *% i 1 y : " *»■ a