Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 Ianuali 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

’ f I . CLASSIFIES IDTERTISEIENTS Adrertiaewewti im liu ccimmm tnii ie i*j-~rtrd •( 10 ormtt t iim« int itwrfw*; 5 criii • i*m* m«W »*»•*■- tion . 25 per wm per aw*; 33 crwfa per b«* two v'fki. 50 cr«*« per kv per month. WANTED. W ANTED—To a*J5, ««*• do* white I Esmond nogs; also do* opal ring* . rva sooabi* pr. **. Watch*# repaired m ;.ai*, G Diets. war chmaher and j-w •Nr. Fort st, arar Hotel to Ptmidu'i ■tor*. WANT! -d» laundry « » Apply Sanitary Strain Laundry. Kama iabao aad South streets. wanted —t*o * rgie gent -- ti dsir* r>C3is and too.i table boar 4 , either tn boo** or cottage nrar aw not be far from busineaa portion o? ctty. Espoo; to remain penaar.-v r if satisfa tory and rates rra.*or.ab • Address A 3 Republican Of FOR RENT. ROOMS FOR RENT—Helens C urt Private Hotel, off Adam a I .an e. near Elite Building ’Phone Whit* H M 1.-vy. manager TO LET— Delightful roomy bath tub-, j , with either hot or cold water, and every improvement and mnvenien s known to the modern age —At Silent Barber Shop TO LET —Newly furnished doubia parlors; also rooms. Beretan a ave.. cor. Keaumoku. FOR RENT —An eight room cottag* on Young street, Apply J. A. Mv goon. Magooa building COMFORTABLE COTTAGES ON the premises of the Sanitary St- aia la indry Co. Ltd.. Marmion and South streets. The cottages contain 4 rooma kitchen and barb room No extra charge for hot and cold water and eiectric lights. Rent reasonable. Apply on the premises to J. Lsghtfoot, manager. • ll* Ml gionooraphist (Successor to CHAS. SEYDONE.) I I*- TO DATE SIGNS Designing and Gilding. Advertising a Specialty. Office and Workshop: 1170 UNION STREET. I* mt FRESH GROCERIES t‘ o! i V V \ \ I \ y i \ • i i i i i i i i i I i i HO CRISPS (AYSTERS SHRIMPS CRABS CAVIAR ROTTED BIjOATERS. ANCHOVIES. —AT— S. J. SALTER GROCERY. ORPHEUM BLOCK. Phone Blue o«7. HOT BUT THE BEST? If COSTS NO MORE Wl Eureka Wickless Blue Flame OIL STOVES *O.l »ua a<j .tru m Kerosene and Gasoline Wickless Stives —FOR SALE AT THE— Hawaiian Hardware Co. ltd FORT STREET. ♦ Bos)b*m me* will tell yon + *• that an ad in The Republic- ♦ ¥ an bring* good results be- ♦ ♦ eaoae the poop!# r.ad it «