Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LOST GEM IS . RECOGNIZED SPOTS HIS SPARKLER ON WHARF There was a crv w! on the Ocean wharf when the steamer Alam- !a do- ked f’OK Saa F-anc.sco yes: rday aft moon. One of the crowd, like many others, was (imply there to ki ; time and bccwse he had ictlns? • / | - to do. Presently the gangplank was rig ged a nd the rs began to come ashore. As the line of travelers streamed down id the wharf a misclerous ray of the tropical sun sought a diamond pin in the gaudy cravat of a male pas- j -- ceer. making the pre- ions ston- 1 flash forth its brill'ancy in dazzling splendor Th° splendor caught the j e» of the man on the wharf with nothing else to do. There was some- | thing in the flash of the diamond j which seemed to h m familiar. Recognized the Man. As the man with the diamond stepped on the wharf the man who had coir" down there because he had nothing else to do stepped by him pn pretense of meeting a friend and took a good look into his face, not neglect ing to save a glance for the stone. The loser of a diamond recognized the man with the stone as a former fellow lodger at the Occidental Hotel and suddenly remembered that it was at the Occidental Hotel that he had lost his diamond scarf pin. He was sure now that the diamond was his. His first impulse was to grab the wearer of the pin and take him up to the police station, but sober second thought induced him to possess his soul in patience. The loser of the diamond, therefore, let the wearer of the briliant pass on undisturbed, after which he hastened to the police station and notified the police, swearing out a warrant for the arrest of the man. Deputy Sheriff Chillingworth immediately placed the matter in the able hands of Detective David Kaapa who lost no time in getting on the scent of the wearer of the gem which was alleged to be stolen. Kaapa is still working on the case and expects to accomplish something today. liiien Chong Co. Manufacturers of All Kinds of BISCUITS. CRACKERS. HARD TACK. RICE HANDLED. —Large Importers of— Flour, Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 120 KING STREET. P. O. Box 972. Phone. White 801. I Joseph Hartmann & Co LIMITED. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. Will Sell from Dec. 19th to Dec. 31st, BEER at $1.85 per dozen. “ at $ll per barrel of 6 dozen. WINES, at 50c. to $2.00 per gallon. atJ12.50 to $B. in bottles, per dozen. WHISKIES from $2.50 per gallon and upward, in bottles of $7 per dozen and upward. ALL WHISKIES BOUGHT FROM THOMPSON BROS.’S DISTILLERY IN KENTUCKY DIRECT. Low Prices for the Holidays. WAVERLEY BLOCK. BETHEL ST. | Phone 219. Fort Employment Agency | (JAPANESE AND CHINESE.) King Street, : ; : Cor. Alakea Si Cooks. Walters, Servants, Hous< Boys. Garden Boys. Stable Boys, sup plied at a moment’s notice. Contrarters requiring men can ob tain them through us. « Everybody J Knows * About "Paln-KiNer A Household J Medicine A Safe and Sure Cm for -Cramps Coughs Bruises Oiarrhosa Colds Burns Sprains and Strains. Gives instant relief. Two data, 15c, and Me. | Pata Kite, Parry Davis* ** iniumnimm