Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Haring made large addition* to oar machinery. we are sow able to laaader Spreads. Sheet*, Pillow Blip*. Napkins and Towel* at tbe rat* of 25 cents pep DOZEN CABH. I Strictly Up-to-Oate and Sanitary Laundry 3ar?itary 3toa/r\ Laundry <?o.. Ljtd. Ring np MAIN 73. and oar wagons will call for your work GooocooooocoooooooooooooooocyxraoooooooooooooooooooO California Harness S^op Fort Street, Opposite Club Stables. <4 nfINUMQTViRERS Or -INOLS DOUBLE DRAT DELIVERY EXPRESS CARRIAGE Ttltl REPAIRING A Specialty O. O. HAMMAN. ij/Viydr'evV Usher 8c Co.’s J I SPECIAL RESKRVE 4 5 I SCOTCH WHISKEY none equalW. O. F=EAOOOK eft 00.. J SOLE AGENTS. • »>»»»>»»»}»»»»>»»)>>»>>»>>»>>>)>))«>>»• : The Coyne : Furniture Co., A 7 A A IS OFFERING SOME A BEAUTIFFL BEDROOM SETS ATj“^T * HOLIDAY BRICES, * 1 ► J I- WHITE MAPLE. BIRDSEYE 51 ESSB L J m uirr—. m ssta y * MAPLE, OAK. MAHOGANY. a ASH. ELM ami PINE. A * 'JPlio Ulock. FORT STREET •<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(<<<<<(< CONDON’S NIGHT PATROL NEW ARC LAMPS RECEIVE HEARTY ENDORSEMENTS. ,4 4 < The new i nclosed type of Arc (Amps we are now installing receive the hearty endorsement of all who are now using them Mr. T. Rosenberg, of the Globe Clothing Co says “Y u mar say for me that I am highly pleased with the~e lamps and would have no other They meet every requirement, are aoft, brilliant and steady, and so far as I can see. are absolutely without fault." These lamps we will inr-tall at a very small '•ost They will give five times the amount of light of the ln> and*»ieut for the -am- - money. Burn eighty hours with one trimming, and g.v- a soft. penetrating, evenly distributed light, without fluttering nr noise 0 For further information, send as a postal, or ring up Main 31Kt and we will be pleased to call at your office, ,4 ■< The Hawaiian Electric Go.. Ltd. s w : p ■ M ! * 5 m g s ¥ p <r w : p A : 5 » Kiiitf Stivot Xfur Alakea. ** GOSSIP” The New Hunslulu- Journal of Society OUT TODAY—IO- Cents a copy j OB PRINTING ... KXAILY AMU PaUarlXY EXECUTED BY THE ROBERT GRIEVE PUBLISHING CO.. Ltd.