Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
7:30; Christian Endeavor. 4 W; pray «r Wednesday. T:3** Portuguese Prctestart Church. a V. Soar*-*. pastor Sunday rvi e«. 11 and T:3*'<; Sunday school. 3:3' Wednesday pray-h- meeting 7. Chinese Church. R-v. Edward W Thvtng. acting past >r Sucdav school. preachini -*-rv e. ll; Sunday school in English 2 .>•■ evening service. 7 3»>; Wtdnes-lay prayer meeting 7 30 Japarese Church. R-v. T t>kum ;ra pastor Services at the old Lyctum a: 11 and o'cl * Japanese M. E- Church. Rev. G Wotokawa., pastor Sunday school. 10; rooming service. 11; evenng service. 7 15; meeting. S:3i*; pray r m*-eting Wedn* sday « Serricea la th- chape! at the end o t K : ku; street adjoining St. Louis College grounds. Latter Day Saints. G. J. Waller, pastor: services in Mililani hall. Sunday school. I": preaching in Hawaiian. 11; Book of Mormon class. 5:30; church history class. *>:3o; pr-aching in English at 7:3'V Mormon Church. Elder William M. Waddaups. in charge Sunday school at 10 a. m.: regular service, preaching, at 11:30 a. m . Young People's Mutual Improvement Association, at 7 p.tn.; primary meeting for children. Friday, at 3 p m.; Relief Society meeting at 10 a. m.. on Saturday. Free to a!!: no contributions: hall. Seventh Day Adventists. Rev. Howe, pastor; meeting place, chapel ip Printers’ lane. Saturday. Sabbath school. 10 a. m.; preaching, at 11 o'clock. Wednesday, prayer and missionary meeting at 7:30. Y. V. C. A. Young Men's Christian Association meeting for men at 4. Baptist Society. Regular meeting first Sabbath afternoon of each month at 3 o'clock in Young M> n's Christian Association parlors. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Murphy ClubConcert tonight at Queen Emma hall. Prayer meeting and sacred concert at 8 p. m. tomorrow. Concert and reading room free to everybody. *
MARINE DISASTERS NOTHEAST COAST TACOMA. Wash.. Dec. 29. —Captain J. B. Clift. Lloyd's surveyor for this port, was at Victoria during the recent storm which caused such heavy damage to shipping and water front industries in British Columbia as well as on lower Puget Sound. Captain Clift estimates the total damage from facts gathered by him at Victoria and returning at about 1300.000. This estimate includes the loss of the ship Santa Clara, belonging to the Alaska Packers' Association, on Trial Island near Victoria, and which was not insured. Captain Clift's information is to the effect that grave doubt exists, likewise. as to the possibility of saving ;he schooner Minnie A. Caine, owned by the Charles Nelson Company of San Francisco. She is asjjore on Smith Island with mime rous holes in her bottom. Communication is Cut Off. PORT TOWNSEND. Wash.. December 29. —Victoria and Vancouver Island are completely rut off from telegraphic communication, all cables to. the island having been broken by the Riilnerous vessels which dragged anrh< r during the Christmas night storm and it will he some time before th<“ cables can he repaired. sTO(’KSS AND BONDS. Vestei day's Market Quotations at the Honolulu Exchange. Friday. January 10. STOCK. Bid. Asked. MERCANTILE.