Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I SERVICES IN' THE CHURCHES THIRD SEFRDIT AFTER CHRISTMAS SERMONS AND PLBUC SERVICES AT ALL CHURCHES IN HONOLULUConcert at Murphy Club Hail—Meeting of Cathe ic Benevolent Union —Tjvo Services at St. Andrew's r Cathedral —Meeting for Seamen s at B'ewer't Wharf. 1 i St. Andrew's Cathedral. I Dean, the Bishop of Honolulu; par- ] , ish priest, the Rev. V. H Kitcat. i Third Sunday after Christmas. 7 i a m Holy communion. j 11 a m.. Chora! celebration cf the Holy communion. ' 3:30 p. m.. Pule ahiahL ’ 7; 30 p. m.. Evensong and sermon, j Second Congregation: The Rev. { Alexander Mackintosh. ’ Sunday school, 9; morning service, c 9:15; evening service. 6:30. 1 Roman Catholic Cathedral. Mis Ixirdship. the Bishop of Pano- [ polls. I.ow Masses and Holy Commu- ' nion. 6 and 7 a. m.: children's mass, 9 am.; solemn high mass and sermon. 10:30 am.; vespers and benediction, 7 p. m Central Union Church. i Rev. Wm. Morris Kincaid: At 11 a m . Rev. Wm. Morris Kincaid will I preach. Subject: "God's Fellow, Workers.” 7:30 p. m-. subject: “The '< Urgency of th“ Gospel Message." 6:30 p. tn.. Christian Endeavor Meeting Subject; “Lessons From Great Men and Women Outside the Bible." Leader. Mr. C. J. Austin. Monthly meetings: First Monday. 2:3'» p m.. Woman's Home Missionary Society; 7:30 p. m . Epworth League , business me* ting; first Tuesday. 7:30 p m.. Methodist Men's Club: third j Friday, l' 30 p in.. Ladies' Aid Society. I. Methodist Episcopal Church. G. L Pearson, pastor. Services on Sunday as follows. 10 a in.. Sunday school; 11 a. m.. Public worship and sermon. Subject: "Soul Travail the Condition of Fruitfulness.” 6:30 p. m Epworth League devotional service Subject: Entering the Kingdom " 7:30 p. m., “A Model'Repentance." A welcome always to all. Christian Church S. E. Muckley. pastor, residence r ‘ Beretania. Telephone Blue 1001. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bib!* 1 schoo lat 10 a m.. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. St. Clement’s Chapel. Rev. John I'sborne. minister. Holy communion, first Sunday in the month. 11:05; every other Sunday. 7:15; Sunday school. 10; morning prayer and sermon. 7:05. Rapid trani sit cars pass the door, i St. Augustin's Chape). He\ Father Valentin. Sacrament of the mass. S:O3 a. m. Palama Chapel. At the Palama Chapel the Rev. J. P. Erdman will conduct a gospel service at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Latter Day Saint*. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ. G. J. Waller pastor; services in Militant Hall. Sunday school. 10; preaching in Hawaiian. 11: Book of Mormon j class. 5:30; Church history class. 6 30; preaching in English. 7:30. Salvation Army. Salvation Armv. King street. (*ap tains Burgess and Sullivan in charge Early prayer meeting. 9:30: wharf m<*fing lold Fish Market). 10; holiness meeting. 11; jail meeting. 12:30; . Sunday s* hool. 2:30; Bible class 3:30; street meeting. 7:30; evening meeting. 8; public meetings every ev ening in the week except Friday German Church German Lutheran Church. Beret# t';a street Rev W. Fclmy. pastor ' residence lo::j Kins street 10 a. m. Sunday school; 11 a m.. service;, Wednesday evening 7:3<>, prayer meeting Meeting for Seamen. . - A meeting for seamen will be held at ** o'clock Sunday jaorning by the Peniel Mission on the wharf at the foot of Nuuanu sfteet. st !•' o'clock Bible class at Mission: 3 p. tn , bo! - j n-ss m etiag; 7;;M, street meeting King and Nuuanu: afterwards ser vkes in Hawaiian. Catholic Benevolent Union. The Catholic Ben -volent Union will j hold a regular meeting at their club Iro b;s onvMonday ev* aing next. Kawaiahac Church. Rev. H H. Parker, pastor: Rev. W i D. Westervelt in charge of the even- , ing services Sunday school. 1* morning servic**. 11: evening service. c r a I P a 1 e a e r E P t I ( ( 1 I J 1 a t c e * t E g F n s e w tl b Is hi b a g tl c a c Y C N L E F F F F 8 H h 8 1 C c c c c p p F