Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — MISS STONE REPORTED LIBERATED BY BANDITS [ARTICLE]
LONDON. Jan. 2. —A dispatch to the Central News f om Vienna says a report has been received there via j Sofia to the effect that Miss Helen i M. Stone, the captive American mis- | sionary. has been released. The re- | port lacks confirmation. LONDON, Jan. 3.—The Sofia correspondent of the Dai y Te egraph has cabled an unconfirmed rumor to the effect that Miss Stone and Mme. Tslika were liberated in Turkey on January Ist. and that the Americans who conducted the negotiations rcsul ting in this reported release agreed, in the presence of the captives, to maintain absolute silence concerning | the captors. ]f this promise is broken. concluded t*he correspondent, vengeance will be wreaked upon the American mis^on.