Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — SUGAR TRUST READY FOR WAR [ARTICLE]

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READY TO FIGHT BEET MEN HEAVY SUPPLIES POURED INTO LARGE NORTHWESTERN TRADE CENTERS. Domestic Product Cuts Into Profits of Big Combine. Which Prepares for Desperate Battle for Supremacy— Hundreds of Carloads of Refined Cane Product Rushed Westward. I LACROSSE (Wis.). Jan. 3—A j strategic move on the part of Ur* ’ caae sugar interests of the United States in their war for supremacy j with the beet sugar producers has' < come to light in this city in the shape of heavy consignments of cane sugar I being stored here. It was learned | today that there are in Lacrosse 15l> | carloads of cane sugar in excess of J j the amount actually needed for j j home consumption or usually dispos- ■ ed of in the regular course of bust l i ness. Similar heavy shipments of cane j I sugar have been made to Milwaukee. Winona. Redwing. St. Paul. Minneapolis. and. in fact, to all distribu | ting points of importance throughout j ! • he Northwest- The approximate 1 'able cf the excess product stored in Lacrosse is JdO.OOO. and. computing j upon a comparative basis, it is presumable that the entire amount stored through this section of the country aggregate several millions in value. The sugar trust proposes to flood the market with this heavy output in the near future. It is know-ti that i this Is the course planned for the I embarrassment of the b’et sugar : manufacturers. That there Is well* ; developed jealousv on the part of the sugar trust against the beet men Is well known, nor is this strange, in ‘ the light of the fact that 75 per cent of the sugar sold dur’ng the past year was beet sugar and that Its manufacturers have been ab’e to place it on the market at 10 c uts per hundred less than the cane p-oducl and still : make a handsome profit.

lOacing at the Hawaiian. A native quintette eh’b will rlav during dinner at the Hawaiian Hotel tonight after vitlch there will be danI cing on the lanai. - tr

Will Be Uniformed. Peter, manager of the Territorial Messenger Service, has hit upon an ! other plan. On Monday tl) the tu‘ *- s» nger* boy* of h'a service will appear in uniform ccats of grey with heavy blue trimmings.