Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — VENEZUELA MUST ANSWER [ARTICLE]
!PRESIDES! BROUGHT TO TERMS I GERMANY'S EXAMPLE LIKELY TO BE FOLLOWED BY OTHER NATIONS Force Believed Necessary—Germany i Has Fixed a Time Limit —Perm* nent Occupation Would Not be Tolerated—New Ncte Summanymg Claims Against the Republic. BERLIN. Jan. 3—lt has been un officially announced here that the j German Charge d’Affairs at Cara as • Herr von Pilgrim-Baltazz;. has hand- j ! ed President Castro a note in which ( : the German claims against Venezuela are clearly defined and in which a lim it of time is set for President Castro's i answer thereto. 1 At the same time this unofficial announcement carefully points out that the handling of the note in question tothe Venezuelan President cannot be considered an ultimatum from Ger- , many, since the note does not contain any reference to Germany's future ac- ® ! tion with regard to Venezuela. '• Powers to Take Action. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.—A special to % the Herald from Washington says: W | Following the forcible collection by '• j Germany of claims held by her subII j jects against Venezuela. France, Great j* Britain and perhaps other countries. ~ i will probably take similar action. 'jj Even war between Germany and Veni I ezuela is not considered improbable, j j A precedent of the greatest import j 1 ance has been already established in I I' 4 T i /( | the German Venezuelan dispute, and it will serve as a basis for Euroa pean collection of claims in other j|| countries of Central and South Amer«i ira ' )«| Intangible as the Monroe doctrine had been before German representa>j)! tions developed the attitude of the jl United States, there was an indispo)J) sition on the part of the powers to go | further than diplomatic representa 11) tions or even the severance of diplo♦j* matic relations to obtain from the J)’ American republics compensation for J* injuries suffered by the persons and property of their subjects. •••