Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — KILOHANA LEAGUE MUSICALE. [ARTICLE]

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Is To Be Held at Castle Manca Valley Residence. The musicsle of the Kilohana Art League on Monday evening. January 20. will create an agreeable surprise for some of the tu mbers. Through the courtesy of the chairman of the musical circle. Miss Carrie Castle, it is to be held in her delightful music room at the Castle residence at Minoa. A nuxmlight night has been chosen for the occa ion. and a trip by carriage or electric car into one rf our most beauf'ful valleys together with the opportunity of enjoying the appointments of this private musie hall, make much to bf anticipated beside the music itself of which a program will be prictrd later

Music and Dancing. Music from the Quintette Club, followed by dancing on the !ana ; s will be & feature after the dinner at the Hawaiian Hotel thi« evening.

Porto Rican Jailed For Larceny. A Porto Rican, named Jooe. was ['laced undsr arrest by tie police de-