Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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New Ice Cream Parlors. D. G. Camarinos has recently open ed up a dainty and neat ice cream parlor, corner of Alakea and King. Everything clean and tasty. Ice cream, cool drinks, etc. Don't fail to drop In. • NOTICE. The annua] meeting of the stockholders of the Pacific Guano & Per tilizer Company, will be held on Monday. January 20th. 1902. at 11 o'clock a. m . at th- office of H. Hackfeld aCo., Ltd.. Honolulu. F.. KLAMP # Secretary. NOTICE - OF _ MEETING. A meeting of th? stockholder' cf the Robert Grieve Publishing Company. Limited, is hereby called at the office of the Treasurer. J. H. Fisher, foi SATURDAY. JANUARY 18th. 1902. at 3 o'clock p m. Said meeting being for the purpose of discussing the general business affairs of the Company. EDWIN S GILL. . Secretary. Honolulu. Jan. pith. 19*'2. NOTICE. Thanking the citizens of Honolulu for their many kind favors and patronage. and as I shall be leaving here soon. I wish to warn the Public at large, that I shall only be morally responsible for any debts contracted by the members of my Company, and that all such debts contracted must be presented at the box office on or be- - fore the Isth day of January. 1902. for . ratification. i ERNEST HOGAN. Honolulu. January Tth, 1902. AUCTION SALE IN BANKRUPTCY. ( On Thursday. January 23rd. a? 10 I o'clock a. m. at my salesroom. 85 Queen street. Honolulu. I will sell at Public Auction, by order of Mr. H. G. Middieditch. trustee in the estate of J. H Taylor £ Co., bankrupts, the foliowing partially described tnerchan dise. the complete list of which can be seen at my office: Anvils. Tire Upsetter, Coal. Bites. Hammers. Clamps Mallets. Bolts. Shovels. Calipers. Tire Bander. Round and Fiat Bar Iron, i Bar Tool Steel. Wrenches. Drill Press. I Flatters. Swager. Punches. Pinchers. Wrenches. Desk. Scales. Boggy