Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — LARGE STAR COMPANY HERE. [ARTICLE]

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Worlds Entertainers Step Here While 1 En Route tc Australia. Among the passengers who arrived i< in the Alameda were the World’s Kn d tenainers" company which is on its s way to Australia to which place they * are being taken by Manager Rial of Chicago. The company, or rather the £ companies as there are 1J different p star act* represented will be distrib- \

uted to different theaters In Australia in three divisions each being filled out with local talent. The members have been gathered from Germany. London. New York. Chicago and various other places, joining together a combination the like of which is rarely seen. The expenses of taking them to Australia cost the management nearly $lO,OOO. The company will only give about eight performances here as they leave on the Ventura, which sails on Jan nary 22.