Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — BRIGADIER GENERAL HERE [ARTICLE]

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COMMANDER OF NATIONAL GUARD SEEKS TO REGAIN HIS HEALTH IN PARADISE OF THE PACIFIC. Speaks in High Term* of California's Military Organization—First Regiment Mustered Out Before the Spanish War Was from General Warfield’s Brigade. Among the passengers who arrived from the Coast yesterday w-as Brigadier General \\ arfield. who is well known here, having visited the Islands four years ago. together with four other officers. During that visit, which was one of four weeks’ duration, toe party was much feted and formed roan; acquaintances here. Brigadier General Warfield has been in command of the National Guard of California for seven years and still holds that position. Speaking of that organization the Brigadier General said yesterday: “It was a great c redit to us that (he first company regiment to be mustered out in the United States at the outbreak of the Spanish wir was the First California Regiment of mv brlgade. It was sent to the Philippines. .;uder the- command of Colonel James F. Smith, who was made a Brigadier General and later a Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. “The National Guard of California is in an excellent condition, well equipped and ready for servii-e at any time. The fact that we were the first regiment to be called out shows that the National Guard was in a better condition than any in all the States of the Union, if it had not be'en necessary to wait for registration blanks from Washington we would have mustered the regiment five days earlier than we did.” Tbe_ Brigadier General has been ailing in health for several months and as a matter of fact, has not been quite well ever since the encampment of the troops at Santa Cruz last summer. He is the proprietor of the California hotel in San Francisco and is also interested in many other enterprises, the attending to which finally caused him to break down with a bad attack of pneumonia. General Warfield decided to come to Honolulu very suddenly, not engaging his stateroom on the Alameda before 11:30 a m. of the day on which the steamer w-as to leave at 2 p. m. The sea voyage did the general much good and he is now in far better heahg than he was when he departed from San Francisco.