Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. H. BARTH STAR BLOCK 1290 Fort Street. Near kukui Street P. O. BOX 50. METAL ROOFING GALVANIZED IRON SKYLIGHTS AND VENTILATORS. PIPE AND QLTTER WORK Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Ittiodid to HONOLULU. H. T. T, J. BrsstLL E. M WATSO2f RUSSELL 4 WATSON ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT-LAW. Magoon Building, Cor. Merchant and Alakea Street*. Phone Main 328. John A. Hassinger, NOTARY PUBLIC. Agent do Grant Marriage Licenses, etc. —Removed to the — Offices of Macfarlane & Co.. KAAHUMANU STREET. R. Susumago PHOTOGRAPHER. Fine Cabinet Photos Only 53.50 per Dozer. Cor. of Maunakea and King Sts. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler And Watchmaker LOVIfbLOCMK 530 FORT STREET ; J. W. A. Redhouse Watch and Chronometer Maker. Plain and complicated watch work a specialty, Campbell Block Merchant Street Opposite Republican Office. JUDD & GO. Ltd. REAL ESTATE AGENTS ■"eand ■ STOCK' BROKERS. 307 Stangenwald Building —: —;— Phone 223 Main ALBERT KALLWEIT NICE . CIGAR . STAND Adjoining Hotel Stables. Tobaccos of All Kinds. Cool Drinks On Ice. HOTEL STREET. Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. ALBERT BERNDT FIRST CLASS TAILOR. CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER ! Cleaned and Pressed. HOTEL STREET. Adjoining Hotel Stables—Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. French V Laundry 80S, f..r. <>{ Bor. tania Avo. ami Punchbowl Sl All WorkDonebyHand Lace Curtains, Silk and Glove Cleaning a Specialty. ABA I >IIO \ eo Metropolitan fdeatCo., Ltd • 108 KING STRBBT. G J. WALLER. ... Manager. - Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERS and NAVY CONTRACTORS DR. W. R, BOGLE CHIROPODIST. Boom 18.—Arlington Building. CORNS AND INGROWING TOE NAILS EXTRACTED Ike Complete Process] of repainting a arriasre necessi- I tates sometimes the patting on | of many a.- l»i COATS of | Lead Paint. Fiili g Paint. Color ■ Paint and Rubbing Varnish. and only then is it ready for the final STRIPING. All Carriages that are brought to us go I hrough all this a d more, the ol I paint is burnt otf and every three coats of lead are pumice stoned off sino,i h and when we let it go oat | of the Shops—you could not ted it from » new one. Bring in Tour Old Looking Chariot and Have it Resurrected W. W. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER King .Street