Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — PRINCE DAVID TO MARRY ABRIE CAMPBELL [ARTICLE]

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S \N JOSK. Jan I Ladies anil t ■ ut i.-mcn ’ said Colonel Sam Parker Hawaii at a ilinn*>r given in the St. lames Hotel tonight by Mrs. James Campbell in honor of her daughter, ■e i* with great pleasure that 1 now in miiii-r the engagement of Miss Ab- .. Campbell and Prince David Kawai .o akoa I congratulate the bride- . le» t and the prospective groom. I.et all drink to their happiness.' Judgi s George A. Davis and George 1' Gear r. sponded. ami then Colonel Parker spoke again: 1 am phased that it has fallen to no- to announce the engagement of M -s Campbell ami Prince David But t.i.- annexation of Hawaii to the

I'nitcd Slates our friend, the Prince, would have been David the King. While this has beenrendered impossible. It is still possible for him to render his race and his country great service. That Miss Campbell will do ranch to assist him in his life work is beyond question. I congratulate them and say 'Aloha.' " Thirty were at the dinner; two hundred danced at the great ball which followed. Assisted by a local orchestra. the Hawaiian Quintette, brought all the way from the Islands for this night, played the wedding march as the guests. led by the Prince and his fiancee, entered the ballroom. The gowns were fairy dreams. Miss Campbell's was of a pale blue crepe de chine, sleeveless and with low bodice.

Her throat was encircled by a rope of diamonds, and diamonds were in her hair. It was a great night socially for San Jose. Miss Alic •«#M. Carmichael and Miss Anita Chrystal were surpassing creations. Miss Chrystal is the boon companion of Miss Campbell, and goes to the Islands on Saturday next with the wedding party. It is understood that the marriage will take place soon after their arrival. Miss Campbell is the daughter of the wealthy widow of James Campbell, the millionaire who wps abducted some years ago in San Francisco and hidden away in Central avenue for a ransom. Winthrop. the abductor, is now serving a life sentence in San Quen-