Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — NEW LINE FOR THE PHILIPPINE TRADE [ARTICLE]
STEAMERS STOP AT HONOLULU Empire Steamship Company Inaugurater New Service—Well Known Vessels Will Come to this Port. Albion for Philippine Trade. For months past there have been rumors of a merchant line of steam ships being organized to do business between San Francisco, Honolulu and the Philippine Islands. News brought by the Alameli jesterd y confirmed the rumor. The line bar been established by the Empire Steamship Com pany. The steamers Albion, Ohio, In-' diana and Pennsylvania will be put on the run between San Francisco and Manila, stopping over at Honolulu. . The Ohio, Indiana and Pepusylvan-, | Are well known in the transport service. They went to the Coast at the beginning of the war to enter the | Klondike trade, but the United States was then securing every available vessel to carry- soldiers to the Philippines, so the steamships were at once chartered. Being very handy craft, they were Kept in the inter-island service, carrying soldiers and supplies all through the war. About six months ago they went back to San Francisco and have since been laid up at the Union Iron IVoiks. While there the Indiana and Pennsylvania have been remodeled. Nearly all of the cabin accommodations ' have been removed and new decks put in. The boilers have been renewed and the refrigerator plants put in the very best of order. During the war each vessel carried more than 1500 soldiers in an emergency, besides 200 cabin passengers. From now on they will only have room for forty < passengers each and no soldiers. all the room being set aside for freight. During the remodelling of the Indiana and Pennsylvania the Ohio has been used as a boarding-house. The machinists and carpenters and boilermakers from the works have lived aboard her and at the same time given here an overhauling. Tne Ohio has not been altered as far as cabin accommodations are concerned, and she will be the passenger Vessel jf the fleet. The work of getting the Albion ready for the inter-island trade is nowbeing rushed, and the chances are that as soon as she is ready for her run to Manila the Ohio. Indiana apd ■ Pennsylvania wil" ready to begin their trips. All three vessels are of the same dimensions, but vary somewhat in tonnage owing to the difference In their fittings Tb»r are 343 feet long. 43 feet beam and 24 feet 9 inches deep. The Albion is a wooden vessel of 337 tons burden. 120 feet long. 31 feet beam and 9 feet deep She was built ;n 1592 by C. G. IVhite for John S Kimball. She is a handy craft and should prove very serviceable In the
Philippines. She wi be thoroughly ' overhauled before leaving here for her new station. The Albion will be usetl in the inter-island trade of the Philip- , pine group. Arrivals at Honolulu Friday. January 10. T. K. K Hongkong Maru, Filmer, from the Orient, at S a. m. O. S. S. Alameda. Herriman. f> days 22 hours from San Francisco, at 2 i P m Am. schr. Helene. Christiansen. 16 i days from San Francisco. Str. Noeau. Pedersen, from Hawaii ports. Sohr. Rob Roy, from Pearl City. Str. James Makee. Tullett. from Ahukini. Hanamaulu, Kilauea and Anahola at 6 a. m.. with 2.600 bags sugar, 19 bags wool. 4 bdls. hides. y Departures from Honolulu. Friday. January 10. Str, W. (1. Hall, Thompson, for Maui and Kona ports. Afti bkt. Omega. Mackie. for Eure- , ka. Am. bkt. S. G Wilder. Jackson for San Francisco. Am. bkt. Archer, Calhoun, for San 1 Francisco. ; Am. bk, Albert Griffith, for San , Francisco. . Str. Mokolii. for Koolau ports. Schr. Lady, Nelson, for Koolau ; . ports, at 5 p. m. Vessels Due Today Str. Freeman, from Hilo and 1 way ports, due at noon. Str. I.ehua, W. Bennett, from Maui 1 ports this p. m. 4 Str. Hongkong Mam, Going, for the 1 Orient this p m i Whaler Wrecked in Alaska. r . The whaling bark Fearless was wrecked at Dutch Harbor. Alaska. No- , vember 30th. No lives were lost, but the vessel is a total loss. T wenty men I of the crew of the Fearless arrived in . Seattle on the Bertha, the others re- j , mainicg in Alaska. , Captain James McKenna was master , j of the Fearless, the' other officers be- | f ing First mate William Mogg; sec- | ond ifiate, James M Gurney; third ( mate. H. C. Slate. The Fearless was well known in Honolulu and her captain. James Me- J Kenna. was one of the pioneers of the ! i whaling fleet which had its hea Iquar j | lers at Honolulu several years ago Game Postponed. Tae football game to have been ) ; played this afternoon between picked ( teams from the Capitol and Judiciary t building has been postponed for one week. r , Believed Insane. Mrs Kanihomauole was examined before Judge Wilcox yesterday re--1 j garding her sanity The examination L was c-ond acted by Dr Kmersoe.