Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — ALAMEDA AND HONG KONG MARU MAKE PORT WITH MANY PAŚENGERS [ARTICLE]

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I Hong Kong Mam Did Not Have Merry Xmas I Spat festal Dai in to lello* Sea Hill Terrific Gale lor a I Present-Passenprs 1 Not Enjoy M inerI Alameda Brings Many Well-Known People.

Twenty hours ah*-ad of time, the H nekong Maru i ame into port at k or look yesterday morning from the Orient The vmisH mad** a very good r. <»r , and revered the 3.400 miles in S days and 12 hours. She could have n much better time but for the •; t '.r i'-it* Riven by the directors of The company to run their vessels on schedule. The Hongkong Maru left Hongkong on December 21. Shanithal on Decern-, ter .'4 Nagasaki December 26. and Yokohama January I. Christmas Day f mnd th Maru in the Y’ellow Sea, in . midst of a terrific Rale. Captain Kilmer »a- *>n the bridge all day. and nlv s« ven passengers partook of the vpl« ndid dinner which the chief stewar t hail prepar*-d for them Part of N*-w Year’s Day was spent at Yokiv liama the vessel leaving there at mwin. The weather r-omlng over was very rough several cabins being flooded by the h»:-avy seas. Th*- Marti brought 425 tons of ght for this port, five cabin passen gets and 270 Chinese 1h- Hongkong Maru sailed for San Kraic - o at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Alameda Arrives in Good Time Th*- Oceanic Steamship Company’s steamer Alameda arrived off port at 2 ii i io< k yesterday afternoon from San Kran cisco, after experiencing very rough weather and heavy beam seas during the greater pun of the trip A targe crow I h i<l gathered at th. Oceanic Mail wh i•• to greet their Mends and relaiiv comln.- from th* Stat*‘s. and for - t me it • eemed ». if the whole popuM'on of Honolul - whs bent upon going on board the steamer. Captain Flint and the ■hip’s quartermasters had a hard i.me restraining the ardor of some enthusiastic friends, and after an hour of pretty hard work succeeded :n g.-tting all the passengers ashore. Th** \iami*da brought a large num of passengers including several »c*lj known Honolulu people.