Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 Ianuali 1902 — ELECTION AT ST ANDREWS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


MEETING HELD IN SCHOOL ROOM HENRY SMITH IS THE UNANIMOUS CHOICE FOR MEMBERS CHURCH WARDEN. Ed. Stiles Selected to Represent the Clergy—Sol. Meheula. L Aseu. F. Wcod. W. C. Ah Fook. Ed. Stiles. Henry Smith and Geo. Hayselden are Elected as New Vetrymen.

The election of the vestry and church wardens of St. Andrew’s Cathedral took place in the Sunday school room of the church last night at S o’clock. Th* meeting began with tlfe reading of the minutes of the last meeting by Secretary Ed. Stiles. These were ap proved and Rev. Vincent Kitcat. who acted as chairman of the meeting, ad- • dressed those present saying that the number of vestrymen in a church varied from three to eleven, and that , he would leave it to the congregation to settle the number, Mr. Piinaia moved that the number be seven as in his opinion this was enough for the purpose. His motion vas seconded and unanimously carried. Rev. Vincent Kitca* then instructed those present to nominate vestrymen. Solomon Meheula and L. Aseu were nominated by Joseph Morse. Fred Wood. W. C, Ah Fnok and Edmund Stiles* by A C. Piinaia; and Henry Smith and George Hayselden hy Fred Wood

Joseph Morse then moved that the secretary b- instructed to cast a bal lot for the names of the nominees. This motion was s conded by A. C. Piinaia and was unanimously carried Rev. Vincent Kitcat next instructed those present concerning the election of church wardens. The clergy was to elect one warden while the laity should elect the other. He himself nominated Edmund Stiles a church warden in behalf of the clergy and in structed those present to elect their church warden. Piinaia nominated Solomon Meheuia. the nomination being seconded by Alex. Ilihia,

Edmund Stiles nominated ftenry Mnith. seconded bv J. C*. Anderson. Alex. Ilihia withdrew his second to the nomination of Sol mon Meheula made by Piinaia. whereupon Piinaia ■withdrew- his nomination, leaving Henry Smith the only nominee and moved that th« nominations c’os*. This was seconded and the motion unanimously carried Joseph Morse moved that the secretary be instructed to cast a vote which was unanimously carried. Morse then moved that the meeting adjourn and was seconded by Fred Wood, wher-after Rev. Vincent Kitcat dismissed {fip congregation Present at the meeting were the following: \ incent Kitcat. chairman; Edmund StiUs. secretary; Joseph Morse p W. Wood. A. C. Piinaia. L. Aseu. Alex. Ilihia. Peter Whitmarsh, i C Anders n. William Pokini Venus j W Mackay and F. S Fitz.

Historical Society to Meet. The Hawaiian Historical Society will hold its annua! meeting and election of officers at the auditorium of Uie V M. C. A building this evening. The gathering will be called t.- order a: T:3o o'clock Dr. J. s. Emerson * wl>’ read a pap- r.

Sing for Charity. One-half the proce-da derived from the benefit concert given bv the Ka tnehamcha Alumni Association at th* Hawa m Ope-ra Houa- Saturday even Lag. January ISth, will be dented to.prov : ding comforts for the lepl«rs at KaJaupapa,