Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 Ianuali 1902 — WANTED TO BE ARRESTED. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


deferred Si* Months to Walking the Streets all Night. "Can you give me a place to sleep or the n;ght." said an unshaven, hungry looking .individual who "drifted in o the police station about 9 o’clock a>* night and approached thr night It-rk. He wore a new overcoat, the ollar of which was turned up over is ears. A large, new straw hat. of kind worn by sailors ashore grac* d his head. 1 m sorry." said the night clerk bat we are not running a free lodg tg house here. You can’t have a oom for the night for less fhan three ollars." “hly name is Macario." said the man..“l,hg-.-t a t a ctnt of money * ac!

I want something to eat and a place to sleep "Can; help it. Mr Micario. was the reply. We are full ap and have no room for yon. All our apartments are occupied." “Can't you arrest me and pat me la jail? 1 would rathe- take six months than walk the streets all night." "Why don i you ship out of the country* asked a citizen who chanced to be present. ' 1 want to go to Australia, ‘ was th-' answer, 'and there are no sailing

ships going there from here. Besides I'm no sa;W and ! don't want to learn." It was learned that Macario had recently finish* d a t-rtn on the reef for vagrancy and that he entertains a strong dislike for manual labor not withstanding bis go.xl condition of health.