Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Joseph Hartmann & Co • LIMITED. , WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. i Will Sell from Dec. 19th to Dec. 31st, | BEER at $1.85 per dozen. “ at $ll per barrel of 6 dozen. 1 WINES, at 50c. to $2 00 per gallon. > *• at $2.50 to $B, in bottles, per ; i dozen. 1 WHISKIES from $2.50 per gallon and upward. “ in bottles of $7 per dozen and upward. ALL WHISKIES BOUGHT FROM | THOMPSON BROS.’S DISTILLERY ’ IN KENTUCKY DIRECT. I t : Low Prices for the Holidays. WAVERLEY BLOCK. BETHEL ST. t Phone 219. Fort Employment Agency (JAPANESE AND CHINESE.) i King Street, : : : Cor. Alakea SL j Cooks, Waiters, Servants. House Boys. Garden Boys. Stable Boys, sup--1 plied at a moment's notice. Contractors requiring men can obt tain them through us. 1 When the Clock r ■ Strikes Nine Every morning begins the race —San Francisco to Chicago— j of the California Limited... VIA THE t t i I > | I i ; I r i r i r i » Santa Fe The most luxurious train service; electric lighted throughout. Perfect in every detail No limit to the good things provided for your comfort. ONLY 4 DAYS TO NEW YORK. offices —641 Market Street and Ferry. SAN FRANCISCO. Santa y TVilillS —l>ailv | Leave Market Street Ferry Depot: . 9:00 a. m., 420 p. m., 8 p. m., 7:23 < i. m. > 9:00 a. m. train is the California; I Limited, carrying Palace Sleeping Cars and Dinig Cars through to Chi- j y ago. Chair Cars run to Bakersfield 1 for accommodation of local first-class . f passengers. No second-class tickets 1 are honored on this train. Correspond- i ing train arrives 7:05 a. m.. daily. 4:20 p. m. is Stockton. Merced and . Fresno locaL Corresponding train ar- 1 rives at 12:30 p. m.. daily. . 8:00 p. m. is the Overland Express. ; \ with through Palace and Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclinig Chair \ Cars to Chicago; also Palace Sleeper which cuts oat at Fresno. Correspond- I ing train arrives at 6:00 p. m., daily. 7:20 a. m. is Bakersfield Local, stop- « ping at all points in San Joaquin V»l- ' ley. Corresponding train arrives at t:4O am., daily. ( OFFICES —641 Market St. and in 1 Farry Depot. San Francisco. W. G. IRWIN A CO, Aflenta, Honoiuta.