Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Ants Invent a Wagon. [ARTICLE]

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Ants Invent a Wagon.

"There are a good many ants of different varieties on the lot at my country place, near Covington, and last year 1 began to make a systematic r ly of their habits." says a contributor to the New Orleans Times-Demo-crat. “Near one of my flower beds Is a colony of small red ants that are extremely Industrious In collecting food, and they frequently perform the most astonishing engineering feats In transporting heavy burdens to their home. "Not long ago I watched a party of about a dozen who had found the body of a small spider and were dragging it toward the nest. The spider had hairy legs, which stuck out In every direction and caught on obstacles, greatly retarding progress. For several minutes the ants toiled away with their awkward booty and then stopped and seemed to hold a council. A minute fragment of dry leaf was lying on the ground, and presently they all lay bold and pulled the spider on top of It Then they seized the edges and slid It along without difficulty."