Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — BOY BICYCLIST IS VERY BADLY HURT [ARTICLE]
HACK SHAFT TEARS AWAY CHEEK Willie Vierra Runs Into a Hack at Midnight on King Street Near Thomas Square—Hackman Takes Him to the Hospital. Willie Vierra. a sixteen year old Portuguese boy residing on Vineyard street, met with a horrible accident shortly after midnight. He was riding along King street, near Thomas Square, on a bicycle and is said to have- had no light at the time. He was traveling at a rapid rate toward town, when he ran into a hack driven by Fernandaz. of 113 stand. The unfortunate boy struck the left side of his face on the left shaft of the vehicle, horribly tearing the cheek, so that almost all of the right cheek and ear were torn away. He landed in a heap with the bicy cle on top of him and was unconscious when Hackman Fernandez went to his assistance. Fernandez brought his hack to a standstill as quickly as possible. He was startled when the bicyclist ran into his rig. not being abb-, to notice his approach until it was too late to get out of the way The hackman lifted the bleeding and unconscious form of the boy into his hack and drove as rapidly as possible to the Queen's Hosgpital where every attention was given the terribly wounded lad. After leaving Vierra at the hospital Fernandez drove to the police station and reported the sad affair to the night clerk. Fernandez was very much upset over the accident and declared that he could not possibly have avoided it as he did not see the lad until he was almost upon the hack. The hack was moving at a fair Pace at the time of the accident. It was learned at the hospital at 1:30 o'clock this morning that Vierra had regained consciousness and that ne was resting as quietly as could be expected. It was said that he would recqver and was not in any danger as far as his life w-as concerned.