Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
d & m fhe Best W' nES and [liquors distilled from the choicest yields of field and vineyard, bottled with the utmost cane and skill, and delivered at your door—the finest tonics and invigorants you can get. WHAT SHALL WE SEND YOU? Come in and make a selection; wc guarantee the quality. HOfFSCHIiEBER GO. LID. The Pioneer Wine and Liquor House. . * Xo. 25 KTp£ 'St., near B^hel. H. HfIMHNQ Japanese . Importer of Pmducta . . Provisions and Wines . . Cor. King and Smith Streets PHONE 360. Ladies’ Underwear SKIRTS and CHEMISES li'- Sept to stock DRESSMAKING! Good Fit Guaranteed. Best Workman skip. Lowest Prices. Li C||ll JfUUANT AVENUE • »*r P»u*fet st. YSUGA SHOTEN (' IMPORTER 110 DEALER II JAPANESE PROVISIONS anti General Merehanvii^ JAPANESE LIQUOR. d«*ct from KOBE, JAPAN, Sole Ajentp *pr RYOKO MA^MUNE.i King Stree***''" Pbro« Mate 81. ‘