Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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F. H. Redward / Contractor and Builder * / n f l , i' a j j. ►• 9 c 42 Punchbowl Street. "* w . Telephone BLUE 1701. AW Jobbing Promptly Attended It. TeJephoae.'White 00L —^ Jobbing Promptly Attended To. OSCAR SELLERS PLUMBING. Office end Shop: 472 Bemanla. Near AlapaJ Street Btatitm. SEWER WORK A SPECIALTY. WHY? Not Weep your horec at the l+otel Stables Where the feed ie fend, the condition* •aritary, attention prompt end kind, and RATE* MODERATE ♦ ♦ * JAMES BROWN. FISH MARKET BOOTH Wm. J. ARNOLD, Manager. HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A CHOICE LINE OF Imported and Domestic Meats; Fish; Live and Refrigerated Poultry, Butter, Egg*. Cheese. Potatoes. Fruits and Vegetable*. Two d'direrie* dally.to acy place within clfy hftrftr—at 9 a. m -and 3 r m. Cuunaers deelriug re bav<j their ! enters d' llvnrf d am respectfully re* ! Qui‘Bt<‘<) to rail and leave the same * prior to the hours above named. .Telephone Main 379.. iceTT ice Delivered to all parts of the city, Oahu ice & Electric Co. Phone 3161 Blue

* I FOR ORE WEEK \V I I^l OI K BIG SHIRT WAIST SALE LAST I I v ALL IMPORTED GOODS of tin* very latest and most >• stylish irtsliion^. —Don't forget, it will elo'-a on Saturday. J.fn. 11th. I A. A. MONTANO, Prop H. F. DAVISON, Mop. i ARLINGTON BLOCK. Phono Main 31 1. HOTEL STREET. § P. O. Box 57. t** l\\ I Get Your Horses r* From Telephone lain fo Get THE TERRITORY A MODERN LIVERY, up-to date in evwj particular, flm-ciaaa boarding Kijrs delivered and called for ia any part of the city. S. F. Thomas, Manager,