Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I !!■■■. ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ I I ★ The OLIVER TYPEWRITER • V, , . - I -T Simplicity. l-tabilitr, speed *«1 BHiPoWIBf pot(t vs coac-'-Md to be eh# ft»ur great essentials la a typewrttfnit machine. We ptesent to the public THE OLIVER as the latest ana most striking etaboS.men* of these Pratrrew. and the most ra3!ca!’ dcpart-tre from other methods of gedtstraetfoa. Examine this ap-fo-date machine before deciding rfpda a purchase of aa Inferior make. Wall, ITidh-ols Co., Ltd, Ajsnts for Territory Of Hlwrt. Tim H. Davies <S Co., Ltd. SUGAR FACTORS. ' MPORTERS OF General HQerchapdise COMMISSION ME RC HANTS, ACENTS FOR - Canadian-Australian Steamship line Lloyds, British A Foreign Marine Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life*. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool I Host. Roofing on Earth j \ •" yt*rp*% n £ .. ■ "R SSipi^ U _ •Ori Iff" rr n-f-: a vr3r Avr* gtrv.-r’c».-j.'EL'->^' i i*-' Plaster Herring-Bone Expanded Metal Lath Alpine AND Building Specialties. Hawaiian Trading Co.. Limited MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS. 1142 F"brt Street ,*. ••. .*. Love Building. 4 4 4 4 4 4 I t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i % 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 »>>»>»»>>»»a *» tuiumi»»»»»»»muu a>; NEW ARC LAMPS I RECEIVE HEARTY ENDORSEMENTS ,< .# j» The new enclosed type of An Lamps we xr- now installing receive the hearty endorsement Of all who ar»- now using them. Mr. T. Rosenberg, of th- Globe Clothing Co., says. V u may say for me that I am highly pleased with these lamps ami would have ao other. They meet erery requirement are soft, brilliant and steady, and so far as I can see. are absolutely without fault." These lamps we will install at a very small • roah They will give times *rhe amount of light of The incaadeeceat for the same money. Burn eighty hours with one trimming and tire a a< ft. penetrating, evenly distributed light, without nurturing or noise. For farther Information. send us a postal, or ring up Main 390. and we will be- pleased to call at your office w » w •» w * W w The Hawaiian Electric Co.. Ltd. I * Kinjr HtriTt Xt-ar Alakca. J * ttm €€€€€€ mi t€ t rt<i "GOSSIP The New Honolulu Journal of Society OUT TOMORROW—IO .Cents a copy j OB PRINTING.... NSATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED BY THE ROBERT GRIEVE PUBLISHING CO., Ltd.