Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — An Attack of Pneumonia Warded Off. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

An Attack of Pneumonia Warded Off.

Soc.e i'rt>> ago mv daughter - aught a revere ..old. the complain-.d of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain'S Cough Remedy according to directions and fa h*ro days she was weii and aWe to gr> to school I have used this remedy in m> family for ite past seven years _ and have nev r known it to fail." says James Prendergast, merchant. Annot-. to Bay Jamaica. West India Islands Tbe pains in the chest indicated an . approaching attack of pneumonia. , which in this instance was undoubtedly warded off by Chamberlain's Conga Ri —lt it counter y teademr _ of a cold t ward pneumonia. Sold by all dealers and druggists. Benson. ■ Smith & Ca. agents for Hawaii.