Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Y. M. C. A. FINANCIAL COMMITTEF MEETS [ARTICLE]

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UNUSUAL EXPENSES LAST YEAR Tc Close Financial Year Without Debt $2,500 Must Be Raised— Letters Will Be Sent to Leading Business Houses. TSe finance" commil fee of the Y. M. C. A. met yesterday afternoon- at 4 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A.j oflido N Finaneial statements of the past year wore rvad by the treasurer. C H. Ath erton. who dwelt especially upon the i fact that the Association had to meet several unusual expenses, such as i plumbers’ bills, in connection with ! sewer work, over I 1 do for repairs to the roof, a piano debt of $250 and $2,300 was needed to close up the financial year which ends on March 31st next After some discussfoft upon th-’s subject a committee consisting of C. H, Atherton and Walter Weedon vras appointed to draft letter* on the subject to business inrn and business firms of this city. When this has been done the financial committee will meet again to approve on and ?ien these letters. Present at yesterday's meeting were the following: Henry Watenhouse. Chas. H. Atherton. F. J. Low n>. F. A. Mott-Smith. Walter C. Weedon and Secretary Brown.