Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — PLANTERS HEAR FROM SEED CANE TESTS [ARTICLE]

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DISCOVERIES OS THE MAINLAND i *v * J Cwi 01 .iiQ Tops cf, Cane Prz,e Equally a* Suecessfuf as Pul! -Joints—lmportant Announcement From Experts at Louisiana Experimental Station. The loeai bureau of »ae Department f W a? "several prdminent sugar glantera have recenti hr .--cured -ome valuable information from t£e mainland in regard to the work now being carried on af the experimental station' in Louisiana. Various methods bafe been thor * onghly tested in deciding npon a proj per seed ran?. The discovery made ‘af- tke IsoutiieVii jstatlpu hfs that the tt>f . provW as sutcassfui as Ae ■ fully developed joints that were formi erly used. It is further stated, by those in ' charge of the Louisiana Experimental Station, that they hare found out j that fully as good results are obtained |by using tte tope of the cane. Here- ; tofore the tops have been thrown away, being deemi d entirely worthless. and the theory that' only the fully developed eyes of the stalk make good seed has been widespread i In that section the tops have never ; c: rae into use as seed, it being deem *>d absolutely necessary to plant the fully developed joints ifn order to pro duce successful results, but the success of thy Louisiana Experiment S*ation will doulitleas open the eyes of farmers in that section to the extent that the production of the crop will be Still further cheapened.