Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — TEACHERS TO MEET AT HIGH SCHOO. [ARTICLE]

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- GOOD PROGRAM-WILL BE GIVEN ] L VS Ci t so TT77 bv j Professor Thompson to Deliver an Address—Teachers Will Give Five 1 Mmute Reports on Nature Study Work That Has Been Done. L JX-Li lVi J cOJ Q At the meeting of the Honolulu I branch of the Territorial Teachers’ Association which will take place at; the High School on Monday evening, i January 13. the . following program will be given; Music —"America". .By the Audience’: Review of Jenkins' and Kellogg's ...Nature Study Miss Barnard. Kameharnrha-oi-is’ School; Song. v . .Pupils of the .rfigb School ; Address ...... Prof U. ' Thompson. Kanjehamcfia Manual! Music—" The Carpenter 8ee"...... Pupils Kaahumaau School Na*ure Study—- • Work .doge-duriaCj.ffll Term Pi re-minute feeporS!V 1 Normal School. Van Pfne - Kaiulani School.. Mrs. Prasher K&abumann School Miss King [ 1. Kalihi-wa-na 5ch001...!.... Miss Johnston | General Oiscns^ioa, M uale —Solo. Miss Lam b Teachers and-friends are cordially invited. Star Stockholders Meet. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hawaiian Star News pap- r Association, Limited, was fc?id in the offices of Castle £ Cooke Wednesday afternoon. Financial state- 1 menu of the-provious year were read wtersaftir .the election of ameers 1

t took plpce rtsult-sg la the ro-electi:s ; of those cf the prsvirras year. Historical Soc-tty Meeting. | The Hawaf-ac Historical So- e»y ' will hoik ita aeaaa! meeting in the r Y M. C A tall ob Satardar. January ll. at T-tap m. An sWtrtii of <Cv j cevs m-fn b* held and a paper on an Jo- , '"■••''•.! H&atf'tt th‘ n* aII i ’■-’2*s hr J. 5 Etn^rv-n * ♦