Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — HACKMEN ARE WELL WARNED [ARTICLE]

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CUUJHJ comms FOR IRIJL 77 T F.aymora Atßepo*; in %- .« * iW la. Green Field* ef Hwsa-u "Valley, *•?* t.ate» Frtmd Lcdjn*ent Within the Reefs Stone Waiis. « Th»* fca' k formerly driv aby Sinta. -a Japanese, will no long* r traveling fa<- thorc :Rt>:ar-s of Hoao|!gli atfMs ft change of ownership and drivers fs effected In fart tb‘- Oriental Jehu is «t the . ph»S«rt< »iir> tw-reft of a Hrtnit. be- | side? being an’inmafe of the citv jail Sir.;» was arreM« : m W»*in>-uar nighf bV‘ a motirtbi! patrolman’chargfrAd with drlvTng. while laboring under thi- infii-snce of a burdenJ some jag. The hackman was allegM i to have been imbibing at various wet goods establishments, and maintain-* •c*. a »n aa>: fiyu u- j>age. In going jaw t.je city «rre*ii \Vh> arrasgi f I ; !e- W:’. { cox in tbe Police Court yesterday . morning the Japanese wa* found guilty of the carriage r-pu-, lations and was fined JlO. The court I also ordered tbe license of Sinia re- 1 j v kjvl f-ndpv WHcox took rs-easion jj to”state that an effort would b* irlafle wj to sift out the. responsible drivers ))i from those of reckless disposition. ' and drivers who persisted in violating rule* governing the conduct of A haa on. tlje dritj* streets _would.-J>r' ! ' deprived .-of'-th- h- authority to navi i|i ga'te public vehicles. " Antone was fiaeO s*> and costs i!! for his asftault'npori Officer Kane on ■j] Wednesday evening. '.r Mantiel Claudina, the Porto Rican \ charged with larceny, who was arrest- # cd in connection with the Hough bur-, i glary. was iomwiU< d to trial at the « neat term of thee Circuit Court. j't Raymond Alvartz’ endeavor to find i); repose upon the Bolte premises in I I -Non ain i vallej- resulted in his being ifi arrested for vagrancy. The Porto I* Rican was sentenced to a three 1) months’ vacation at the reef t] Thomas Hermansoa. also booked as 1' c vagrant, succeeded in establishing A his innocence, at the same time sub i' mitring proofs regarding his connec- « lion with manual labor. He was discharged. Alfred Hendrickson, a diminutive lad. and Ella Rooka, a young miss , g lill iu her teens, were brought before the magistrate by sorrow-stricken part ents who declared the 1 young hope- ’ fills refused to attend school Book- • »;d for disobedience to parents, the ! youngsters wire given a well season j «?d scolding bv the court. Upon prom j ise of a prompt return to a studious . life, the little people were discharged.' i Mrs. (Tnnderson' was called to answer to a charge of having been guilty of-profane language. Two native women testified that the defendant had applied a foul epithet to them and id ahtist-d them on Punchbowl street veral days previously. The trouble seem- d to emanate : om a hair-pulling soiree in which the younger women are said to have , conspicuously figured. Mrs. Gunder- ; son declared that she did not employ ( torrid conversation in dealing with the defendants. A general reprimand was administered to all parties and < Mrs. Gunderson was discharged, h i