Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Jiiiiiiiin Silk of I iifltTiniisliii'i Th - - cw;- GREAT SALE OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR we mean to mak-- it the most wonderful sale of any kind ever h--!d -,a HooolUiU. No words that we Could ns- w til: be t - strop..: ;n i-» scribing th spi- adid values which wt> shall offer for th, s v dav« of this sale. The prices, we honestly believe, are the very It west ia the world for pood poods. And th-- are good pood' Every ar* sn th > sale has ben selected with the obje, - in vi. w of »-a-.-*-.nc every buyer to become a permanent customer of the hous. Most people know how onr sales are conducted. They kn> w that a WHITNEY A MARSH SALE is a sale in fact as well aa in name. They know that the day befor. the salt begin- or the day aft-r it ends, they cannot purchase any articV at *h- -am- price that prevails in the sale. In this instar. • ... 13 piece of and--rw figures in this sale there has been pinned a pick tick- ! bearing th - sale price. If there are any garments left at the cl.we of the a on Saturday afternoon these tickets come off and the articles *■* ’ i l to their original prices. There are two more sales of at hr articles, which we will not now mention to be held in the two weeks fol lowing this la both of these sab s ;he yam- policy f .-vtra -!• prices for the week of the sale only will be carried out. Muslin underwear is this year daintier than ev-r befor* It is made mostly from fine, sheer fabrics; musi in cambric and lawn trimmed with pretty insertion, embroider;-' and ribbons Th- night gowns usually hgve low necks and short with trimming of ribbon and lace or embroidery and are especially suitable to th:--climate. Corset covers, chemises, petticoats and drawers a r- chara.trby a wealth of variety in style and daintiness in triaun WHITNEY & M ARSH, l/i i>. iximxxUnumHimnnxixiii xxxxx xxx x txxt t ityttttOUR CROW FOR 1902 WCHIIIHS M H M H H M M N M H H rf H M H H N H H H H M H M H H H H H H M A boy once wrote: "I luv a rooster fer tew things—one ( E the krow that lx in him. and the other is the spurs that air on him to bak up his crow with." We admit having crowed often and loud, but we have the "spurs to back up the krow ” We sell Groceries. pure and wholesome H. MAY & CO.. Ltd. Boston Block. Telephones, 22, 24, 92. Fort Street. p. o. Box :m. H M H N M H *-> H M - H H H H .xxxxrxxxxAxxxxxxxxxixxgxxixiixxrrxixxzxxxixiiii: xxxxr “Union” Gas Engines STATIONARY OS MARINE Agents von Hamm-Young Co,,Ltd. s,tjes2st sarTSEErr. MAIN 276. There' a World Of healthful refreshment, inspl ration and d* light in a g!. f PRIMO LAGER Its absolute purity combined withh th. rare flavor of th- ■ h ■ < • t he [> make it a delightful beverage and the h- -* tonl< m Order a case from Brewer/ for table us* Mam II E. W. QUINN PLUMBER Estimates furnished on First-Class Modem Plumbing. The Patronage of Owners, . Arc hi feet* and Builders Solicited. P O Box 162. 115 Onion Sang Chan Merchant Tailor TWO STORES. No. 64 Hotel, opp. New Ecg’and Bag ery. and Hotel street, opp. Hoffman Saloon. Suits Made to Order in the Latest Styles. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Clothing Cleaned. Dyed and Repaired