Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — ARMY AND NAVY [ARTICLE]
Th. Q M. General has named the steam launches in service at Fort Fremont S C-. Fort St Philip, l.a Fort Morgan. Ala., and Ke* West Barrack- Fla. respectively. "Wilker>on." in honor of I Jut B. WUkerson. ’ killed at Gettysburg. July l. ’ K rby in honor of Lieut. E Kirbv. Ist Artillery, wh.> di> d May 2S 1S»»3. of wounds receive* at Chancellorsville; “Woodruff. in honor of Lieut. 1 G A W.>odruff. Ist Artillery, who ht-d Jnlv 4 1 of wounds revive! at Gettvshurg: and “Burnham.” in | honor of Ij-rd H M. Burnham, oth I \ ■*: llery s"• S- • - ■ .'• '• . at Chickamauga. Among the measure* of special in- ■ - -t t.. t: • Mthtar- an ; Naval Ser v -s recently pr-sen - - in Congre--are (he following Bv Mr, Hawley ■ IKTJ*>. providing for the retirement ' of certain veterans of the Civil War. now serving as oflh ers of the Regular Army, with Snot-a sec rank; by 5 Mr. T. Her -S ' TTi * for the retire--1 ment, with advanced grade, of active ’ officers who served in the Civil War and whose names a-e now borne on t the Official Register of rb* Army; by r Mr, Dayton <H. R STTS. authomic* the issue of gratuities and medals to enlisted men of the Saw and Marine I Corps, who shall distinguish them y selves in battle or display extruonHn a ary heroism in th line of tb-ir pro fession.