Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — BARMAIDS OF CALCUTTA. [ARTICLE]

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No Women to be Employed in Saloons After April 1. 1902. From the Ixmdon News. Calcutta is threatened .with the loss of its barmaids, and a no small portion of the community violently resents it. An order has recently been issued by the government of Bengal that a clause is to be inserted in the licenses of all hotel proprietors absolutely prohibiting the employment of women in any capacity in or about the bar. This prohibition is to take effect from the Ist of April. 1902. on which date a number of women will be thrown out bf employment. The result is a widespread agitation. The number of barmaids in Calcut ta has considerably increased in recent years. In the majority of cases they are brought out from England by the hotel and bar proprietors under contract for a term of vears. generally three. The loss to them of a means of livelihood is to be deplored, but as they are entitled to a passage back to England, it does not entail the facilis descensus Averni that the more violent among the agitators predict. The correspondence columns of the Calcutta Press show that their sympathizers are numerous, but they further show that the sympathy, though doubtless merited, is the out come of a very erroneous impression regarding the reasons upon which the prohibition is founded.