Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — DRUGGISTS WANTS TO SEE SMITH’S BID [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


HOLLISTER ASKS HEALTH BOARD 1 When B< nson. Smith & Co. recent- ' ly secured the contract to supply the 1 Beard of Health with drugs there was ’ immediately much curiosity on the part of other druggists in Honolulu a* to the prices that Benson. & Co. had bid on certain articles. A representative of the Hollister Drug Company went to the. office of the Board of Health and asked to ' the bid rf B-, nson. Smith & Co. Secretary Charlock informed him 1 that he was not privileged to show ! the bid of one "firm to a member o» < anv other firm and that the bids *e.- > ! on file and would remain on file as i far as he was concerned, for he re- , fused to show them. Mr. Charlock said that the bids had been nnde. *h? contract had been awarded and that the business was closed: that he had 1 no right to show the bid and that the ‘ favor ought not to be asked. He add- 1 ed that if the Hollister Drug Com- 1 pany wanted to see Benson. Smith & Co.'s bids very much, he might see ' Pr* si, lent Slog eel: of the Board of ' Health and ask h : s permission. If ' Hr Sloggett said all right, then Mr. * Charlock would produce the bid The Hollister representative imme e diately drove to see Dr. Sloggett. Dr Sloggett Informed h m that * could not see the bid unless permis- 1 slon was granted by the Board of ' Health. The matter, therefore, will probably be brought up at the next meet > ing of the Board of Health. a