Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — News of the Town [ARTICLE]

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News of the Town

On Thursday. January 23rd. at 10 a m.. Mr J. F Morgan will sell the estate of J. H. Taylor & Co., bankrupts • of an*;.- .aimers, mallets, etc. Mr E Hogan has a notice in ta | day's paper calling for all debts contracted by,his company or the memt bers of it. to be presented at the box I office before the ISth of this month. • A good contractor carries out his work promptly and effectively, if you w; ? h to let a contract, get Fred Harrison's figures on it Don t fail to buy the first issue of • the "Gossip." the new society weekly, 1 e.i:t-.i by Fred J »■ and Jimmy" Dougherty. This is a new venture In ’ breezy journalism and should take very well. Pure water is used in bottling all ■ our soft drinks, everything is sanitary and clean. Phone White 911. Arctic Soda Works. Take your damaged wheels to the expert repairer C. A Cowan and have them repaired. Good work at cheap ' prices. Gmenhagen's candies are the best that are to be had. Make no mistake in buying others. Wall. Nichols Co.. Ltd. Complete bedroon sets in oak. maple, bird's eye maple, for sale cheap The Coyne Furniture Co., Progress block. Go down to the Cambrinos Saloon for a nice cool glass of beer and a free lunch. Corner of King and Ala | kea streets. Why cook your own pies when you can get better ones delivered at your house cheaper than it costs you to make them. The New England Bakery, Hotel street. Sign painting is a branch of art which it pays you to have well done, in good taste and original designing See Tom Sharpe, the Signographist. at R. T. Riley's store. Union street.