Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — SUCCESS AND FAILURE. [ARTICLE]

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Thr nifhM Ac D -STP<i«r the Rarer the Achievement. If by success we mean the full accomplishment of an end. the actual reaping of a harvest of results, then It Is undoubtedly true that the higher and nobler the purpose the rarer will be the success. If we aim to relieve v man’s hunger, we can quickly succeed In the easy task, "but If we aim to In spire him with a desire to earn his own bread the work ts more difficult and the success far more problematical. If we would restrain a thief from robbery. the prison bars and locks insure success, but If we would make an honest man of him our task Is u complex one. and success may be afar off. Wo undertake to teach a ehlld to read. If with requisite effort we follow up our task, we are successful, but If we as plre to raise the educational standard of our community how arduous the task, how uncertain the result, howquestionable the success: Tt» low m»n •fi ■ little thing to io, Srr* it and ion it; Th» high m»n. with t gro.lt thing to purser, Dir* »r» he know* It. Is his life. then, a failure? No; let ns never Imagine that any high purpose. any noble thought any generous emotion, any earnest effort. Is ever lost. We may never witness its growth, we may not live to gather its fruit or even to see Its blossoms, but we may safely trust that somewhere and at some time the harvest will be abundant, and success, long hidden, shall become apparent—Philadelphia Ledger. The WlrkrdrM Bit of Sew. Nine out of ten travelers would tell Inquirers that the roughest piece of w ater Is ttat cruel stretch In the English channel, and nine out of ten travelers would sar what was not true. As a matter of fact "the wickedest bit of sea" Is not In the Dover strait or in yachting, for example, from St/ Jean de Lulx up to Paulllac. or across the Mediterranean "race" from Cadiz to Tangier, nor is It in rounding Cape Horn, where there is what sailors call • •’true" sea The “wickedest sea" is encountered In rounding the Cape of Good Hope for the eastern ports of Pape Colony -Shipping World. Fllsht of Time. Old Med—Well, old man, bow’d yor sleep last night? Follow my advice about counting up? New Med—Yes. Indeed; counted ay to IS.OOO. Old Med—Bully! And then yon fell asleep, eh? New Med—Ones* not; It was morn tag by that time, and I had to get up —Pennsylvania Punch Bowl -, ls you all gwine to band up an? mistletoe dis Christmas?” Mr Erastus Pinkley “Deed 1 isn’." answered Miss Mia mi Brown, -pse got a little too mini pride to advertise frh de ordinan courtesies data lady has a right t« expect."—Washington Star Detroit Free Press: “A great man; common expressions are decldedl; wrong," “As to which, for instance*” “The one that sa*s that boys wil be boys, for example Every bod’ knows that they will be men «b i they grow np." *