Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Contractor and Builder. - Jobbing Promptly Attended to buen Chong Co. P Manufacturers of All Kinds of BISCUITS, v CRACKERS, t HARD TACK. . RICE HANDLED. —Large Importer? of — Flour. Groceries. Fruit ard Vegetables. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 120 KING STREET. ■ P. O. Bo* 972. Phene. White 801. the Orpheum Ernest Hogan’s Funny Folks BEGINNING WEDNESDAY. JANUARY Bth. 1902. 3 Act—Musical—Farce—Comedy Entitled “I Country Coon” Upstaged by Ernest Hogan with Entire Company of 3G I People in tbe Gait. NEW MUSIC NEW SONGS NEW CHORUSES NEW SPECIALTIES. Win. F. Wilson Co., I / ■ The leading: Plumbers of San Fran-; cisco, have decided to locate a per- 1 manent establishment in Honolulu, j - This will give the residents of this j city an opportunity of having their j ' plumbing done at reasonable rates by the most skilfull mechanics in the plumbing business. OFFICE AND SHOP AT THE • Alexander Young Buding. I, Have Just Opened An entirely New Consignment 0f.... SILK GOODS IN PIECE, SHAWLS. PAJAMAS, HANDKERCHIEFS, CUSHION COVERS. TABLE COVERS. GRASS LINEN EMBROIDERED. CARVED IVORY WARE. SANDAL WOOD BOXES. JEWELRY and NOVELTIES. ALL ORIENTAL GOODS OF THE VERY BEST. t C s f t( I C Ci ... THE.... Phong Fal Co., 33 KING STREET.

f * The Pacific Hardware Go,. Ltd, HAVE %7TTST $ ALSO SOME MORE RECEIVED 5 A V Michigan Stoves ‘S > •&» Sikiprc:ors.t. of x Electric \ and Ranges. > c 9 A *D ANOTHER INVOICE of Fav< >ri i e Keep one at your bedside and throw light on the burglar when he comes for your silverdollarsand wedding presents. Garlands AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL. O 4 \ 6 9 1 • o 0 : S