Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION OF FORECLOSURE AND OF SALE. [ARTICLE]

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Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the powers of sale contained in that certain mongage dated October 30th. ISO 9. made by Cecelia X. Arnold of Honolulu. Island of Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, as mortgagor, to C. Bosse. formerly of Honolulu, aforesaid, but now of San Francisco State of California. as mortgagee, and recorded in the Registry of Conveyances in said Honolulu, in Liber 195. on pages 263 and 264. the mortgagee intends to foreclose the said mortgage for condition broken, to wit: the non-pav-ment of the interest on the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars i $2500) the principal sum secured by said mortgage when due. Notice is likewise given that the property conveyed by the said mortgage will be sold at Public Auction at he auction rooms of James F. Mortan. Auctioneer. Queen St.. Honolulu. 1 )n SATURDAY, the 18th day of Jan.ary. 1902. at 12 o'clock noon. The property covered by said mortgage consists of all that piece or parel of land situated on the Waikiki ude of Makiki Street near Wilder Avenue. Honolulu, aforesaid, and com- , >rising: All that piece or parcel of land con- 1 aining an area of forty-two hundreths 42-100) of an acre situate at Makiki. Jcnolulu. aforesaid, and being the ( uece or parcel of land described In j loyal Patent 3690. Land Commission tward 11018 to Wahine. Together with all buildings, im-' , irovements. rights, easements, privleges and appurtenances thereunto lelonging. Terms—Cash. United States Gold oin; deeds at expense of purchaser. For further particulars applv to I HOLMES & STANLEY, ' £ Attorneys for Mortgagee. ■ Dated Honolulu, December 23, 1901. '. BOSSE. By his attornev in fact. | J.' M. DOWSETT. I